Lava Lake

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Amythest and Pearl have been arguing all morning.

"Get out of my business P." She yelled.

"Not until you clean up this mess you've made." Pearl said gesturing to the bastardization of a sandwich on the counter. Sorrounded by various items, ranging from ham to peanut butter to...pickles?

"Ugh, this is why we don't form Opal anymore." Amythest turned to her 'sandwhich'.

"No, we don't form Opal anymore because your such a mess!"

"Oh I'm the mess, well how about-." She was cut off by Steven before she could finish.

"Umm guys, what's Opal." He asked.

Pearl began to explain as a hologram formed from her gem. "Opal is the culmination of our forms. They combine together in a way we call fusion. It creates a completely different person. Usually with different powers, and is always stronger then they're sum."

"Opal is super cool and has my amazing hair." Amythest said excitedly.

"She's also tall like Pearl so..." She said with an uncaring expression.

Pearl was about to speak out. Burst that moment Garnet came out of her room in the temple.

"Enough bickering you two. We have a mission to go on." She said.

The temple then opened again. In a green hexagon like style it opens to Will's room. The man in question stepped out. Armor on, with no weapons.

He then spoke. "We need to find the heaven and Earth Beatles."

"Pearl, Amythest and Steven you will go to the sky shrine and find the heaven Beatle. While me and Will will go to find the earth Beatle." Garnet spoke.

"Nope, I am not going with her." Amyhtest said.

"Good, because I don't want to go with a slob anyway."

"Well you can't, because the earth beetle is at the bottom of a lava lake." She said as she summoned goggles.

"Then why does he get to go, last time I checked humans can't survive in literal LAVA!" Amyhtest said.

"Because my armor can survive temperatures up to 10,000 degrees." He replied bluntly.

Amyhtest grumbled something but it was inaudible to his upgraded ears.

Garnet walked over to Steven. "I need you to keep the peace between those two." She said.

"You got it dude." He did a silly thumbs up.

"Steven you get to take Quasar on your mission. His chip can't survive the intense heat." He said while dropping the chip in his hands.

He and Garnet walked to the warp pad and they saved goodbye and activated the warp pad.

The rise in outside temperature was immediate as it went to over 200 degrees.

He looked around him. All around were stalactites and stalagmites of a dark red Rock. They were in a large chasm, stretching miles in all directions. Pools of lava dotted the place.

Garnet started to walk forward. And he walked up to her.

"So any idea which lake of lava it's in." He asked.

She pointed to the largest lake.

"Oh thats not gonna be fun."

"Nope. But it will be interesting." She said.

They approached the shore of the lake. "Well, here goes nothing." He said.

They stepped into the lava. Garnet seemed unfazed. But for Will it was like stepping into a hot tub, even with his armor.

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