Chapter 5

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"Why are you crying, love?"Madeline rushed over and entrapped me in one of her bear hugs.

"This is just perfect, it is everything I have ever wanted. You guys are my family and you never let me forget that." 

"Of course we wouldn't Lex, you have been through a lot. You seem to forget all the times that you came over to my house at midnight when Cole was in Spokane," she whispered while smoothing my hair down.

"Yeah, I guess you are right. This better be the last surprise because I don't know if I can take anymore." 

.     .     .

"Okay, Okay, so let me get this straight, Cole broke into the cafeteria so he could bake you a cake for your birthday, that wasn't even that month," I said, trying not to burst into laughter.

"Yes, and the campus security chased him all the way through the school while he had the cake in his hand." 

"That is so sweet, no wonder why you decided to settle down with him. You are one lucky girl Madelyn." I smiled 

"Yes, yes I am. Anyway, are you guys ready to go down to the beach." She smirked

"Wait why are we going down to the be-." I was interrupted by Manuel who took it upon himself to grab me by the waist and drag me down the beach with the rest of them.  

"I don't know what you guys are planning but it better not be like last year, it took me an hour to wash that crap out of my hair," I shouted out from behind Manuel.

"Wait, What happened last year? Man, I missed everything in college." Manuel said looking over his shoulder 

"Put me down and I will think about telling you. My brains are starting to turn to liquid."

"Fine, but you have to promise you won't run. I am not chasing you all the way down the beach again." 

He bent down until my feet touched the sand, as soon as I got my balance, I bolted towards the water. I threw my sunglasses and phone into the sand and stripped down to my Maroon bikini that I always wore under my clothes at this time of year. Soon enough I was in the ocean freezing my ass off while all of my friends stared at me like idiots.

"Aren't you guys going to come in? This water is just fine, cold, but fine." I shouted over the waves. 

"You are crazy if you think I am going in that water. It is the middle of November and do you know how cold that damn water is." Manuel shouted back at me

"Yes, I know how cold the damn water is. I am in it for god's sake Manuel." I spoke through my clenched teeth. Manuel is right, the water is cold as fuck but I will never admit that. 

"You know what, Fuck it." Before I knew what was happening, Manuel was in the water next to me, followed by Lilah and Madeline.

We all sat in the water for a while despite the temperature. We were all freezing but none of us would admit it. I leaned back and lied across the water, forgetting about everything around me. The water was freezing against my underside but the air on my topside was making me colder. I finally got the balls to get out of the water and dry off. My phone was buried just beneath the sand along with my sunglasses. My sundress was a little closer to the water. The tide had gone up slightly and it had soaked the end of my dress. I was forced to wear my bikini until my dress air-dried.  I made my way back to or belonging and sat on the ice chest we had brought with us, unaware of what was in it. 

"I think it is time we started what we came her for, Cora isn't going to babysit forever." Madeline said nodding towards Manuel.

"Alright, I will go grab the stuff and you can start setting up. Lilah you come with me." Manuel ran back up towards the house.  

"Hey kiddo, sorry to have to do this but you have to put on this blindfold." Madeline shouted from feet away.

I stood up and walked over to Madeline and took the blindfold out of her hand. The material was warm against my freezing ears. Once the blindfold was over my eyes and secured behind my head, I made my way back over to the ice chest. I help my hands out in front of my as if I was trying to find something to hold onto despite the fact that we were at the beach with nothing around but the stuff we brought. I finally placed my hand on something warm and fuzzy, I immediately jumped back and screamed in fear that I touched something living.

"Calm down Williams, it is just a blanket. Put your hand on me and I can take to you where ever you were sitting." I hear Manuel's voice on the other side of my blindfold.

I reached out for the second time and found something that felt like a cotton shirt. Manuel led me back to the ice chest and replaced it with a chair. I sat down for a while listening to the crinkling and banging that was going on around me. Once I heard what sounded like glass bottle being sat down, but maybe that was my imagination. I sat down silently for about 10 more minutes before Lilah finally came and took my blindfold off. It is a lot darker than it was before but there was still enough light to see what was going on. 

"Are you ready for some adult fun birthday girl." Lilah whispered in my ear.

A/N-             I am now writing my chapters with 1,000 words instead of 2,000. I will get them published faster that way, and I will be able to publish faster. I really think that the chapters are moving along a little fast for my liking. Please vote and Comment. Thank you readers!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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