Chapter 2

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"This must be a big misunderstanding, I didn't buy any car. Are you sure you have the right address?" My mother asked with a little less than a smile.

"I spoke to you earlier Miss. Williams. I am just as confused as you are."

"You most certainly did not. Would remember if I bought a car. I don't even go by Ms. Williams anymore." My mother was starting to raise her voice.

"I am not sure who I spoke to, this is the address on my clipboard and the woman on the phone said that she was Williams." He said while flipping through the papers attached to his clipboard.

" I don't give a shit about your clipboard, I want this car gone right now. I am not going to have you telling me that I bought this car when I would remember buying a damn car." 

"Mom, I bought the car. It's mine, I was the one that talked to you earlier sir." I was finally able to blurt out. Her face goes blank,

"What do you mean you bought this car? Where did you get that kind of money?" her voice was some-what calmed down by now.

"I have been working for the past three year's mom. I don't buy anything. I need a car, you drive me to work every day and I have to bribe Cole to drop me off. I am tired of using people."

"I wish you would have told me before you decided on this car. It is ok but I just needs work."

"I am sorry to have to cut in, but Miss. Williams can you sign these papers please." He said while holding his clip board out.

"Of course, thank you. I was just wondering, will the tires be delivered or do I have to go pick them up." I asked, trying not to sound stuck up.

"The tires will be delivered tomorrow around noon, they can be put on your car for free if that is what you want."

After talking about my car and the insurance for about 30 minutes the tow truck finally left. The car was sitting in my garage for now waiting to be driven. I had no idea that it would be this exciting. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. Cora stood next to me staring at the car before finally stepping out in front of me.

"We need to go for a drive this weekend, just me and you. It would be fun."

"Umm idk, Lilah and I usually do stuff the weekend after birthdays. We can do something tomorrow if you want." I replied

"I guess that would work. I have Volleyball practice at 1, it will take about two hours. So we will leave at 4." She answered with a smile

"Alright, we can go watch a movie and get dinner or something. It is up to you." I smiled

"How do you like the car? Should I get it painted dark red or leave it black."

"It is literally the coolest car I have ever seen. Leave it black definitely, Dark red is for losers" She said while laughing.

"Whatever you say weirdo, whatever you say. Let's go to my room and have some fun." I said while walking back inside.

Cora and I don't normally hangout, we both have a hard time showing love and affection. Cora and I are 3 years apart, as we got older we became more distant. Every once in a blue moon we will both hangout and do our nails, or some other girls thing. It is not that I don't like hanging out with her, I just get so busy with work and my own life that I forget that she is kind of on her own here.  As I am curling Cora's dirty blond hair, I notice how similar we look. We both have our mothers dirty blond hair and full lips. The only differences are age and height. Once I am done doing both mine and her hair we take a few pictures. I began to pick up the make up and put it in the drawer where I normally keep it, after it is all cleaned up, I wrap the cord around the curling iron and place it next to the mirror.

Cora and I make our way down stairs and talk about the most boring girl stuff for a while before I have to leave for work. "You and I both know that it is better to wear your hair up at an outdoor wedding because the sweat will make it stick to your neck." She says, sounding slightly angry.

"Cora, I will never wear my hair up at a wedding, I don't care if I sweat or not." I reply, sounding equally as angry.

"Ok well you can do whatever you want, it is your hair and can't make you wear it up at this imaginary wedding"

"As much as I love talking to you about this, I have to head out for work." I say in an apologetic tone.

"See you later Lexie, Don't forget about our plans for next week. I won't let you flake out this time"

I slowly made my way around the front of the car and sat in the driver's seat. This is the most terrified I have ever been in my life. Despite my fear, I put the keys in the ignition and drove down the dirt road leading away from our house, leaving nothing but a dust trail behind me. I rolled the windows down and blasted the radio. The first thing that came on was some Mexican music. I quickly changed the station until my favorite station came on. By the time the second song was over I was pulling into the parking lot of Sunset Diner. 

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