Chapter 4

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Cole was standing over the deep fryer making curly fries and chicken nuggets for Emelia. Lunch rush hour was over so I didn't have to follow Cole around the kitchen helping him chop lettuce or flip burgers just so I could talk to him. I sat down next to Cole and waited for him to say something. I hated starting conversations.

"Happy birthday Lex, I know I didn't say it early but that's because Emelia wanted to say it first. I hope you know that we all care about you, even though your sort of smelly" He said half smiling

"I just wanted to thank you, also I wanted to get away from all the noise, no offense to your family."

"None taken, they can get loud sometimes, and don't forget your friends are out there too. Manuel and Emelia are 99% of the noise."

"Yeah my friends and I are annoying, you don't have to remind me Cole." I smiled, "But seriously, I wanted to say thank you. You and your family are really great people, I can never thank you enough for the shit you do. I don't know how you got stuck  with me." 

"I just want you to know that no matter what my family is yours. We love you Lexie, and there is nothing that can change that. There is no reason to thank me, I volunteered for a reason. It's like you said, to get away from the noise" Just when he said his last sentence Madeline walked in to say we were leaving. On her way out she punched Cole in the arm and then immediately hugged him as if her punch was too much. 

I we all got out to my car before we realized that Emelia didn't have a car seat. Lilah, Madeline, and I drove the two minutes to her house to get the car seat while Manuel ate French fries with Emelia. On our way I let Madeline drive my most prized possession. About half way to Sunset Diner my phone buzzed before a text with Lilah's name above it appeared on the screen. I looked back at to confirm that it was her before reading the text message. This weekend, me and you, we can buy all the junk you want and go wherever you want, but it has to be me and you. I looked back at her and nodded before responding to the text. Just me and you, against the world. A few seconds later we pulled into the parking lot. Standing on the curb was Emelia and Manuel, mouths full of fries that they had dipped in a chocolate milkshake. We all stepped out of the car but Madeline had her hands on her hips.

"Please tell me this was not Cole's idea, he does know that I am not the one watching her tonight" She said with a look of disappointment, but deep down we all knew she thought it was funny.

"Yep, his exact words were 'Cora is 15, she can handle it.' Don't blame it on me" He said with his hands up in the air.

"Let's get going if you guys want to stop by the store before the party, it is almost 5:30" I said while looking down at my wrist before realizing I had no watch. I quickly pulled my wrist behind my back hoping nobody saw my mishap.

"Did you just look at your imaginary watch?" Manuel asked with his eyebrows raised.

I ignored Manuel's question and instead picked up Emelia and wiped her face before putting her in the car. We decided to drop Emelia off with Cora before we went to the store, that way I could shower without running out of time. When I was done putting on my new sundress, sandals, and sunglasses that were hidden under everything else. We all got in the car once again, dropped Madeline off at her house to get ready, and then headed to the store. Once we got there I pulled the shopping list Madeline had given me out of my pocket and read it aloud. First we got all the drinks, including chocolate milk (Madeline and Manuel's favorite), Soda, and Sparkling cider. Then we got some tri-tip and other snacks, which we decided letting Manuel barbecue was worth the risk. Once we got everything we needed we headed to checkout. The cashier working today was a woman a few years older than us, about mid-twenties, with an eyebrow piercing. She looked very angry, maybe about the fact that it was 6:30 about the time to switch shifts and we stopped her from leaving. Once we got to the car it took us about 10 minutes to figure out how to get groceries in my car without making a mess. Lilah says I was being difficult but I bet she would feel differently if her mom didn't buy her car.

We got to Madeline's house around 6:45 and she had everything set up in the back yard. There were lights strung up around all the fences which made her small backyard seem a lot bigger. She had a big sheet hanging on the fence with a projector set on the ground. She also had a table set up for all the food to go and an ice chest for the drinks. It was all I could ask for. It felt like home, and as I was looking around tears began to fill my eyes. 

Awkward MomentsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon