Chapter 2

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I glared at my reflection in my bathroom mirror, a week had gone by since the Winter Soldier had arrived. A week of running out of a room whenever he walked in, I was annoyed with myself for letting him get under my skin. I couldn't hide forever and I had pent up energy and frustration, I made my way down to the training room, I sauntered into the gym an aura of confidence oozing off of me, I was mentally working out what exercises I should start with when I stopped. I wasn't alone.

He was there.

The Winter Soldier.

My plan to avoid him the whole time he was here wasn't working. The reason why I spent most of the past few days in self-isolation was right there. On top of that, this wasn't even the first time I had accidentally bumped into him, he was everywhere. I literally couldn't avoid him, Steve had confronted me on my behaviour towards his friend when he asked me why I was boycotting his best friend from the 40s I just shook my head, I knew that he wouldn't understand why I would have kept it from him that I worked at Hydra or that I worked with his "buddy". No one would understand. No one, except Fury and Coulson and maybe Natasha I always suspected that she knew more about me than she let on, none of the others knew about my past. I debated what to do, should I stay or should I go? I decided to stay because I was sick of running away from an intruder in my own home.

The Soldier, though everyone else called him Bucky or Sergeant Barnes was sharing a room with Steve who happened to live on the same floor as me. I simply couldn't understand how everyone was so accepting of the fact that the Winter Soldier was living and sleeping a few meters away from them (well everyone except Tony, who was still understandably pissed because the Winter Soldier had murdered his parents). I met his eyes in the mirrors that lined the gym walls, I hardened my stare and then moved away to do some warming up before heading to the weights. 

I shook myself out of my head and ignored The Winter Soldier who was at the punching bag. I pushed his stupid face from my mind and focused on my exercises.

 Bucky's POV

The second she entered the gym I was sure she would walk right out the minute she saw me, instead, she walked over to one of the mats that were on the floor and started warming up. It seemed that she was done with running. I was contemplating approaching her when our eyes met in the polished mirrors in front of me, which only then cemented the fact that I had to talk to her about everything she knew. I knew I should try to have a more gentle approach than the day I first arrived here and demanded answers but that would demand more self-control which funnily enough I seem to lack. What was Y/N hiding from me? I didn't know her the same way the others in this building did but I could tell that she wasn't one to back down from a fight, so why was she running? Was she scared of me? I wish I knew, I wish I knew what she thought of me was I just a monster to her like everyone else? I had so many questions that until I finally found the courage to confront her, would never be answered. 

 There was something about her that was so noticeable, I wanted to get to know her and discover the reason as to why she seemed so familiar I needed her to talk and to make me remember. I realized how selfish I sounded at that moment, it would be horrible to force her to remember something that clearly pains her but I had spent over half a century being wiped and rebooted for the use of an evil organization and I thought it was about time I found out everything that had happened to me in that agonizing time.

I stopped hitting the punching bag and unwrapped my fists, I then slowly approached Y/N, she was focused on lifting weights and had her back turned to me.  I stared at her back for a few seconds, thinking about how to approach her. She was jumpy around me and I didn't want her to run away. I cleared my throat and watched as Y/N put the weights down and spun around, she had a mask on, covering her emotions. 

Figure From the Past (Bucky x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora