Chapter 14

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I couldn't stay in this utopia. No matter how much my heart desired for me to stay here with my child and the love of my life I knew it was my duty to go back so that I could make that smile a reality.

"I want to go back" I answered, my voice was stronger and clearer than I thought it would be. I had all these emotions battling in my heart but my brain made my decision and I knew it was the right one.

"Alright then," the kid said quite chipper.
"Let's get this over and done with!" They rubbed their hands together and then sent me a warning look.
"This might sting a bit but that's just cuz... actually I don't know why it hurts but it just does ok? I've done this loooads of times before so I'm experienced" they said while casually cracking their knuckles, I suddenly had this feeling of regret. Was I sure I wanted to do this? Yes. I was. I was going to make that gorgeous smile on the fake Bucky before me a reality.

Suddenly I was surrounded by a nearly opaque indigo fog. I looked around me in panic, then I heard the kid's voice.

"If you start seeing a light walk towards it, even if it starts hurting cuz if you stop you're stuck here forever." They said ominously and then a blinding light burst through the fog. I heard their voice in my head repeating the words.

"C'mon Y/N you can do this just walk towards the light," I whispered to myself as I walked towards the light. The closer I stepped towards the light the more I could feel a tightening in my chest, constricting my lungs.
"You can do this" I continued giving myself a pep talk as the pain got worse. I broke into a run but didn't get far before the pain became unbearable. I could see my vision begin to blur but my sheer determination pulled my body upwards and I limped toward the light. It got more and more blinding but I continued to stare at it. It's kind of like when you stare at the sun for a really long time and then your eyes get used to it, that was the sensation, only there was also an excruciating agony coursing through my body.

Bucky's POV

I had left Y/N's side for all of an hour and had come back feeling an immense sense of guilt. I had taken a nap so that I wouldn't be exhausted and it had really helped me. I stared at Y/N's unmoving body and stepped closer to her bed and kneeled at her side. I moved my trembling hand to go and hold her still one. I breathed a sigh of relief, it was warm, tears pricked at my eyes and a stray one fell out and started a flood of endless tears.

Nothing could be heard except for my sobs and the steady beep of the heart monitor she was attached to.

"Y/N please don't leave me... I need you... I don't know what to do without you." I sobbed quietly by her.
"Please come back to me...... I love you so much and I need you." I cried by her side.
"I love you" I whispered to her still figure.

I stayed kneeling by her until suddenly the heart monitor started beeping faster, I looked up at it and then back at Y/N.


"Y/N please don't leave me... I need you... I don't know what to do without you."

"Please come back to me...... I love you so much and I need you."

"I love you."

Bucky's voice echoed around me, his words making me tear up. I glanced around me trying to see where his voice was coming from. I realised that it was coming from the light, I ran forward ignoring the pain now that I had more hope and motivation.

"I love you too Bucky" I panted as I ran even faster. The fog started to clear up around me and the pressure on my chest started to lift. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I knew I was running back to the only man I have ever loved.

I ran clear of the fog and I saw him there kneeling next to a hospital bed. My hospital bed. He was crying and I put my hand to my mouth to try to cover up one of my own weeps. I reached out to touch him but my hand went straight through.

I was suddenly pulled away from the scene and shoved into a bottomless pit of darkness.

A strange sensation washed over me. Where am I? I thought blearily still tired from waking up. I realised my surroundings, I was in the hospital I saw Bucky in before I was taken away. I saw Bucky burst into my hospital room alongside Natasha, Wanda and Steve. A sudden wave of exhaustion washed over me.

A nurse marched into the room and demanded that they leave but Bucky insisted he stayed so she gave in and let him sit in a chair in the corner. She gave me a warm smile and checked my vitals before leaving. I just stared at Bucky, I could already feel myself beginning to struggle to stay awake. Bucky approached my bed, bringing his chair with him so that he could sit at my side, he gently took hold of my hand and started rubbing it gently which only made me want to sleep more.

Bucky's POV

I was tenderly holding her hand, rubbing my thumbs across the back of it every so often. I was exhilarated at her consciousness though I could see her eyelids starting to droop as she tried to stay awake.

Before she fell asleep she whispered three words that stumped me. I didn't know that she heard what I said while she was unconscious.

She had whispered.

"I love you too Bucky"

Hey guys!
What is this alternate universe where I'm updating this book twice in one week? I'm on a rolllllll, anyway, how are you guys holding up?
I have a few more chapters left to publish super quickly- so do you want me to publish them daily or weekly?

I just wanted to say that to everyone who has been on this inconsistent journey for the past 4 years I appreciate you so much

Love from
Mimi 💗

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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