Chapter 10

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I was analysing one of the books Thor gave me, the title read Asgardian Magic Vol.1. I had written out the words that I wasn't sure about in my notebook and was going to have Thor look at them and tell me what they meant but for now, I just wanted to see what words I could recognise and use them and the intricately drawn pictures on the page to help me figure out how to twist my magic into other forms. 

After a few hours of study, I concentrated on my phone which was on my desk across my room, slowly rotating my hands, I could see the veins of Y/F/C magic twist into a thin stream that wound its way across the room and wrapped my phone up in its glowy embrace, I then beckoned my magic to bring it to me and to my intense joy the strands of Y/F/C magic plucked my phone up from across the room and pulled it towards me, I held my hand out and the Y/F/C tendrils gently dropped it into my hand. The magic started twining around my left forearm and then sank into my skin, leaving behind a glowing tattoo that looked like a type of rune, it resembled a tree that was in a circle with another band around the circle that had Asgardian letters in it. I stared at the tattoo for a few minutes before jumping up and taking a picture of it just in case it faded or something before I located Thor. 

I ran around the tower searching for Thor when I finally found him staring at the toaster in the kitchen, he was probably waiting for his pop tarts, I grinned internally and then tapped his shoulder and dragged him to one of the stools which were at the island in the middle of the kitchen. 

"Thor, I was practising magic using the instructions from one of the books you gave me and then this thing happened," I showed him my arm which still had the glowing mark on it, Thor gaped at my arm with disbelief. "I don't know exactly what it is but it looks like an Asgardian symbol..." I trailed off, Thor was still gawking at my arm, I pulled my arm away and snapped my fingers in front of his face. Thor jerked back and the strange look that had been on his face faded into a look of concern. He opened his mouth and tried to speak but only a gasp came out, he frowned and then opened his mouth to speak again, this time words came out.

"That is the symbol for Yggdrasil, the only person I have seen with that rune was my mother...but you're not even Asgardian. Why would it be on you?" It seemed more like he was asking himself these question rather than me. "Maybe I could go and ask him for assistance, he might just-" Thor cut off his words, the worried look on his face hadn't loosened and if anything had grown more pinched. 

"Who's this 'he'?" I asked, tearing my gaze away from my arm and back to Thor.

"He's never met you before, and you weren't there for New York...maybe he'll help you at least" Thor spoke, purposefully ignoring my question. I narrowed my eyes at him and he refused to meet my gaze, sighing I stepped away from him and said goodbye, before going to my room and laying down on my bed and staring at the blank ceiling. I felt my eyes begin to close, I rolled over onto my side and nestled into my pillows and embraced the darkness that now surrounded me.

A knocking on my door woke me up from my dreamless nap, I groaned and then tried to get out of bed but instead rolled off and landed with a loud smack, I rubbed my sore thigh and pulled myself off the floor. I walked to the door with a slight limp, I must have fallen harder than I had thought, I sighed before pulling open my door. In front of me was Bucky who looked like he was trying very hard not to laugh, I glared at him and rubbed the side of my leg which seemed to hurt even more now.

"Was that you who fell?" He asked obviously enjoying this moment, I glared even harder, if looks could kill Bucky Barnes would be dead. "You know, for an ex-assassin, you're not very graceful"

"Are you here just to laugh about my clumsiness or do you want to ask me something?" I asked, my irritation from, one being woken up, two falling off my bed for the second time in the span of 24 hours and three having someone laugh at my misfortune, had now all caught up to me and I felt like how I imagined a bear would feel if you poked it with a stick too many times. Bucky seemed to have noticed my aggravation and instead toned down his open glee to a small smile, it was then that I noticed just how handsome he really was, especially when he was smiling. His blue eyes sparkle with mirth even when his face was only showing a tiny grin. I snapped out of my Bucky-induced trance but it was too late as Bucky had noticed me staring and raised an eyebrow at me. I smiled weakly back at him while mentally slapping myself, I cant go from hating this guy to falling in love with him in the span of a few weeks, can I?

"So...what do you want?"I asked, getting our conversation back on track, Bucky looked at me with a bit of concern and then started talking.

"I want to get to know you better, this Y/N Y/L/N, not the Y/N that is in my monstrous memories but the one that stands right here in front of me." I blinked at him a few times, then allowed the corners of my mouth to tip up into an almost non-existent smile.

"So, you want to be friends?" I asked carefully, looking over his features, I almost felt...scared? Scared of what, I did not know. Was I scared that this was all a prank or that he would suddenly reject being my friend? Suddenly the empty pit in my stomach closed up when Bucky's face lit up into a soft grin, his eyes twinkling at me, I found myself lost in their depths before I realised what was happening. I painted a fake smile on my lips to hide my weird staring, a few seconds morphed into a genuine one.

"Yeah, I want to be friends." Bucky then held out his hand and for some reason, we shook on it, I felt immensely awkward after the handshake and I went to retreat into my room when Bucky spoke up from behind me.

"Now that we're friends, why don't we watch a movie together?" Bucky asked, "I've been wanting to watch the Hobbit ever since Steve mentioned to me that the book had been turned into a movie," I smiled at his excitement and nodded, in a matter of minutes I found myself sitting on a chair in one of Tony's cinema rooms. 

I leaned back into my seat and allowed myself to forget about earlier with the asgardian magic, instead I allowed myself to be pulled into the world that was playing on the screen across from me. I allowed myself to forget who I was and just enjoy watching a movie with a friend.


Hi...I'm sorry for not uploading sooner, I meant too but I just forgot and then got distracted. I saw a request for more feelings/fluff/cute scenes I promise they're coming I just need to solidify their relationship, they've only just officially become friends after all! I don't really know what to write at the end of chapters. I'm sorry if I sound kinda awkward I didn't have a great day today but writing these chapters always makes me feel happy and  just knowing that people read what I write makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside

(Sorry for the cringiness of what I just wrote but I mean every word, it's like being on a beach and having rays of sun beaming down on your body but the warmth isn't on your skin but on the inside, closer to my heart). 

So in conclusion THANK YOU! You guys who read what I write make me happy, I always feel so motivated after publishing a chapter and reading a comment or discovering that someone voted on a chapter.

I love you! 

(And an extra thank you those who read this super long author's note 😉 )

Figure From the Past (Bucky x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora