Chapter 9

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The next morning I was woken up by my phone ringing, I flipped over onto my other side, slapped a pillow over my head and pulled my covers over to cover the pillow and my head to muffle the sound of my ringtone, and ignored it until it stopped. Then I flipped back over and checked the time, the time on my phone read 04:03. Who the heck called me at 4 am? Clearly, someone who didn't want to live.

Suddenly my phone rang again, I was so caught up with my annoyance at the time it was that I dropped my phone in surprise, I winced as it hit the floor and leaned out of my bed to pick it up, it had landed further away from the bed than I had initially thought so as I leaned over to get it I felt my body slide and then I fell to the floor with a thud. I flipped my phone over to check that it wasn't scratched and then checked to see who had called me. It was Tony...wait what? Why would Tony be awake at 4 am? Why would anyone but Nat (I swear to god that woman doesn't sleep at all if she did why does she always look so perfect in the morning?) be awake at 4 am?

My phone rang again and this time I was not caught off guard and I answered it.

"What do you want?" I asked, my voice was croaky, I winced at how rough it sounded.

"Y/N! Finally, you answered! Quick you need to come to the meeting room, oh and don't forget your suit!" He replied sounding remarkably energetic...I don't even want to know how much caffeine has he ingested already, probably enough to make him have a massive energy crash and sleep the rest of the day away.

I swung off my bed and immediately into action, I flung open my wardrobe and quickly flung clothes out while looking for the suit that I wore when we went into battle. It wasn't there, I spun around and scanned the room looking for it before I remembered that I had put it in a box under my bed. I grabbed the box and opened it, flinging the lid away from me, not caring about where it landed, I changed in record time and brushed my hair and teeth before splashing water on my face and wiping it off with a towel.

I ran out of my room and ignored the elevator in favour of taking the stairs, I sprinted up them taking two at a time and arrived at the meeting room 30 seconds later, it was only three flights of stairs above my floor so I didn't have to go far.

I composed myself and then pushed open the doors to the meeting room, I saw Tony lounging back in a chair with his feet on the large table that took up most of the room, in the chair across from him was Steve who was sitting there with his head tilted up, staring at the ceiling, Natasha was getting comfortable by taking out the knife that she kept in one of her many thigh hostlers and flipping it, Sam was checking his phone and Wanda was glaring at Tony for waking her up beside her was Vision who was just glancing over and looking at her every so often.

As I walked in Tony scrambled u to his feet, I could practically see the caffeine and sugar, by the look of all the sweet wrappers on the table in front of his chair, radiating off of him.

"What's your excuse for waking me up at this godforsaken hour? It'd better be a good one, otherwise, I'll slit your throat in your sleep." I threatened while Sam and Wanda's expression reflected the same sentiment, Tony glared at me and then opened his mouth.

"Okay guys, this is serious, I need you all to listen up cuz this is really important," Tony said seriously, he paused for dramatic effect, I rolled my eyes and then snapped my fingers to get him to hurry up, what am I supposed to say, don't wake me up or talk to me before 7 am at the earliest, Tony just scowled at me and then continued, "Thor is coming back to visit us!" He exclaimed with excitement, I just gaped at him, what was wrong with him?!

"Great news, really amazing...except did you have to tell us at 4 am. Couldn't you have waited until a reasonable hour to share this news with us?" I asked grumpily, annoyed at his disregard for my need to sleep, "Why are you up at 4 am anyway?" At that, Tony let out a small sigh and grimaced.

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