about time

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Instead of feeling arms around me I only felt cold air. Well that sucks..
I sigh and throw my head against the pillow. I wonder at what time she left.
I roll over to check on my phone but I see something covering it.
A note.
I grab it and read it.

I'm sorry I left. It's a school night and I also needed to grab my stuff for school. I left about an hour after you fell asleep. I couldn't bring myself to actually waking you up so I'm writing this now.
See you at school.

I smile as I trace over her writing. Her handwriting is so neat and pretty. My alarm (the children) goes off when I finally decide to get out of bed. I start to undress. I was wearing a bra but no shirt, and when I went to slip my pants off the door swung open. Omna was standing there just staring at me.

"Not to be disgusting but your body is so pretty..." she comments.

I stay silent, not knowing what to say.

"Also, Macy and the twins are hungry," she states and then closes my door.

This is why I love the lock on my door. Awkward moments like those can be avoided if only I had a good memory and actually locked my door.
I quickly put on whatever is in sight and I rush downstairs but not before carrying both twins with me and Macy trailing behind.
I get their breakfast done and I run back upstairs to get ready.

In less than 30 minutes I'm out the door. I'm so grateful that I have a fast, working bike or else my ass wouldn't make it.
Even though I put my time 15 minutes earlier, I still feel like I'm late sometimes.
As I walk towards class I hear footsteps from afar. She's definitely running. And fast.

"Watch out!" I hear her scream. After that I hear thumps and an "ow!"

I turn around to see Zoe on the ground with another girl who is already getting up and grabbing her stuff from the ground.
The girl doesn't seem mad at all which is very surprising, she even offers Zoe a hand.

"I'm really sorry!" Zoe apologizes.

I can't hear the girl but she seems like she is brushing it off.
After a few more seconds Zoe walks towards me with a look of embarrassment.
I put my arm around her shoulder.

"Congratulations, you did an amazing job," I speak.

Zoe groans. "I didn't mean for that to happen."

"Sure you didn't. No one wants to knock down someone else, unless really wanting to."

Zoe shakes her head. "Out of all the embarrassing things I've done in this hallway, that was the most humiliating."

"It's okay, Zoe. Accidents happen," I say as I glare at a guy who was making faces at Zoe.

He instantly looks down at the ground. No one can bother or make fun of my Zoe except for me. But only to a certain point.
I give Zoe a hug and a kiss on her cheek before allowing her to get into her first class.

Fast forward to the less boring part of my day. 3 seconds into the bell of my last class heavy, fast footsteps are heard. Eleanor steps foot into the classroom right when the bell stopped ringing.

"Saved by the bell," the teacher mumbles.

I attempt to stifle a laughter but I miserably fail. Eleanor gets to her desk that is beside me and forces a smile.
She catches her breath before speaking.

"Well that was fun," She laughs.

"Do you not a have a shortcut to take?" I question.

"I take several, actually, they just don't help."

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