big sister or mom?

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Something about this kid, Andrea, is off. He's too...good. Too kind for my liking. I've been observing him for the past 2 days. Mom and dad left already, the night he came, just like I said would happen.
After that, I've been forced to show him around, teach him the rules, and so on.
Currently, Eleanor and I are on the couch, cuddling as we watch TV.
It's 6 pm and we are almost about to leave to drop her off. I honestly don't want her to leave.

I hear footsteps descending down the stairs and I turn my head slightly to look at a figure from the corner of my eye. The footsteps get closer and then I look at the 9 year old standing in front of us. He isn't totally blocking our view from the TV but he did grab our attention.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "May I help you?" I ask.

He nods. "Yes, actually. I have a question."


"What?" He looks confused.

"Just ask," I roll my eyes. I feel a nudge on my side. I look at my girlfriend who was giving me a pointed look.

"Oh. When will our mother and father arrive?" He asks as he pushes up his glasses.

I sigh. It hasn't been a week and he is already asking where mommy and daddy are at. And I totally get it. When a kid gets adopted they expect to be surrounded by love, care, and mostly their parents. But no. Not this house.

"Sit down, Andrea. I'll tell you something," I instruct him.

He sits on the couch across from us and places his hands in his lap.

"Good boy," I mumble. I feel another nudge but this time more aggressive.

"Stop," Eleanor demands.

I nod and look at the boy.

"Mom and dad are not going to be here a lot of times, most times actually. Dad will always be travelling around the world doing some business trip. Mom is mostly out of state doing god knows what. We only see dad, about twice a month sometimes less. Mom does come from time to time but she won't be paying much attention to you. It's true, ask all of us. So from now on, don't ask about them. Just get ready to be surprised whenever they come around," I explain.

By the time I was done he had a serious face on. He didn't have that innocent looking face anymore. He looked worried, sad, and I don't know what else.

"Me and you will definitely be talking later," I hear Eleanor whisper.

"So who is in charge?" Andrea asks.

I chuckle. "Me."

"You?!" He practically yells. He broke out of character, for sure.

"Yes, sir. I'm not that bad though, isn't that right Macy?" I ask Macy who just walked out the kitchen and into the livingroom.

She nods. "She buys me icecream and sometimes puts me to bed."

I don't remember the last time I did that but okay. It works with me.

I hear Andrea hum thoughtfully. "You're the boss?" He questions me again.

I shrug. "Pretty much, yes."

He nods. "I have to tell you that I'm hungry?"

I nod. I wanted to cry when he asked that. I have to feed him, I have to take him shopping, I have to do that with all 9 kids!

"You're the mother then..."

When he said that, I immediately stood up from my seat. Eleanor stood up as well and put her hands on my shoulders.
What type of...fuckery is that! I'm no mom and I don't want to be! I don't want kids and I won't have them!

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