Chapter 6 - Divine Intervention

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I feel like I've been walking around in a maze during the last week. My mind has been consumed by Sofia and how amazing it felt to spend the night sleeping with her. I was completely serious when I told her it was the best sleep of my life. I surely haven't had a good night's sleep like that in months and I've been craving it ever since. I think it might be the beginning of a life-altering addiction.

I've been trying to wrack my brain for ways to get her to fall asleep with me again without straight out asking her like a pathetic moron, but I come up short every time. I know I'm playing a dangerous game here, but I simply can't get away from the feeling. I also don't want to push her, so I've been trying to give her some space for her to make the next move. But with each day that passes, I get the feeling she isn't going to make one.

I grab my soccer bag from the car and follow Nico and Sofia back into the house after another mindless day at school. Nico enters the house first and I'm tempted to pull Sofia's hand in front of me to try to get her alone for a few seconds. But of course I can't do that and just stare at her instead as I close the door to the garage.

She peeks at me around her shoulder as we reach the hallway and it looks like she's debating something in her head. She turns around quickly and this time I do grab her wrist to stop her. I can't seem to keep my hands off of her even though Nico is two steps in front of us and I could easily get caught touching her. I'm desperately dying to know what she's thinking. I don't know how, but I need to get her alone again.

"Sofia! Oh honey, look at you!" a voice gushes.

I tear my eyes up to see Mrs. Durant standing right in front of us, her face filled with emotion as she takes her only daughter in. Mr. Durant is to her left and I see him look downwards at my hand wrapped around her wrist. Shit, I hadn't even realized I was still holding on to it and I curse at myself for being so fucking careless. I immediately drop it and pray to god that he doesn't kick me out of his house in this instant.

Thankfully he turns his gaze away from me and towards his children, as Sofia and Nico both go to hug them. I stay behind, letting them have their family moment. I can't help but think I'm interrupting something and that I'm imposing by being here.

"Adrian, don't be silly. Get over here," Mrs. Durant says to me as if reading my thoughts.

I walk closer to them and she surprises me by giving me a warm motherly hug. It's the type of hug I haven't felt in a really long time and it gives me a slight chill. I end it quickly and go to shake Mr. Durant's hand. He gives me a stern look at first, but then clasps me on the shoulder.

"How are you, son?" he asks me. It's a simple question, but he's still very intimidating as he asks it.

"Good, how was your trip?" I quickly reply as I go to stand next to Nico and as far away from Sofia as possible.

"Too long, like usual," he answers.

"Look at you handsome boys and my beautiful girl," Mrs. Durant interrupts, looking in between the three of us. It still feels a bit surreal being included in their family like this. Like I'm a lost adopted son or something, but I'll still take it over nothing any day.

Mrs. Durant goes to hug Sofia again. "Oh honey, I've missed you so much."

"I missed you too," Sofia responds quietly.

"Well, I hope you are all hungry. Carmen is making a wonderful dinner for us. It should be ready in an hour," she says enthusiastically.

They continue in small talk and I politely excuse myself to my room. I need to regroup and prepare myself mentally for this dinner. I hadn't expected the Durants to be home and it's throwing me off balance. Sometimes I even forget they live here as they'll be gone for so long, but their presence is a wake up call to my Sofia induced dream state.

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