Homophobic AU

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This book is being re-written. I am fixing up things that need to be done, so hang in there. 
The first few chapters were written many...many years ago. My writing style has changed dramatically and improved as time has passed. Give it a chance!
I love you all. x


This is my own original creation. I will not accept any copying of any type and I would like to encourage anyone to come forward and tell me if they have found a copy online. This story is copyrighted. 

This story does contain triggering themes. I am warning you in advance that this does contain the following that may trigger readers:

- Abuse, Depression, Anxiety, unwanted sexual advances and a multitude of other things.

I find it very important stating these triggers before someone reads as I don't want to make anyone feel bad or create a problem. Please read ahead at your own discretion.

Side note:
This IS a male/male fic, and there will be references and certain sexual scenes. Please know that I don't want people to sexualise the boys. I have the understanding that with relationships obviously there will be sexual aspects.
So naturally in a book where a relationship blooms it will happen. But I don't want this book to revolve around it. H+L are their own people and don't deserve a sexual stigma around them. I don't support that.
Please be kind with your comments :)

anyways. Enjoy.


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