Chapter Five

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It had taken Amelia three weeks to polish the hefty volume. The crown of Anora had consumed all her free time she had found in-between her part-time job. Sometimes, she had done the proofreading past midnight, only to stop when the words swirled like the patterns of the kaleidoscope before her eyes. 

As soon as she woke up the next morning, she messaged James, I will be done with The crown of Anora today. It didn't take long for him to text her back.

Great. You can drop it at my place later tonight. By the way, I co-chair the Annual Solstice Gala. It's a fundraiser for people suffering from rare diseases—a few people from Marlon Publishing Inc. will be there. It might be worth mentioning the manuscript to them.

Goosebumps broke out all over her arms. Marlon Publishing Inc.! They were renowned for launching the successful careers of many first-time writers. Was there a possibility they would find her work interesting? Oh, how she wished to be at the event.

"You need to stop killing yourself over it," Matthew complained when he found her making waffles for breakfast. He shot a dark glare to the newly revised manuscript, which lay on the countertop.

Setting the iron aside, she smiled. "Good morning to you too. It's almost done. James thinks the story is amazing enough to pitch it to a publishing company."

"Why don't you use your other stuff?" Matthew wrinkled his nose at the news.

"They are too raw and require a great deal of polishing, Matt." She cringed at how her last two published works didn't generate interest despite the potential. "Half of the battle is marketing, and Marlon has the funds for it."

"James is giving you the full credit for your writing?" He looked unconvinced. "It's a bit generous of him, given he retains the copyright."

"We haven't discussed the details, but he has no issue with me being the author as long as Henry gets a mention for his contribution." Amelia tried not to let Matthew's lack of enthusiasm affect her mood.  "Why do you ask?"

"I don't want James to take advantage of you,' he replied. "If he doesn't want the compensation for your work, then what is he after? I mean, he has money and fame."

"Maybe he really wants to help, or he is interested in seeing Henry's work come to fruition." Amelia hesitated, but when she looked up, her eyes met Matthew's skepticism. She refused to look away. She had done nothing wrong. There was no reason to appear guilty.

"Before I forget, my co-worker and his girlfriend are having a get-together this Friday after work. We are both invited." He fixed himself with his regular dose of caffeine.

"I can't. I have a deadline to maintain with the new marketing campaign. I was so engrossed with the manuscript that I pushed it aside. I have to get it done."

"Millie, you don't have time for me anymore. Lately, all I hear from you is this stupid story and how James will get you published." Anger obscured his features as he grabbed a bagel.

"What are you talking about, Matthew?"

"Ever since we have returned home, we haven't spent time with each other. Did you forget that we decided to live together to work on our relationship?"

"This isn't fair. Not now."

"These last few weeks, I have gone out alone with friends. Do you know how it feels?"

"But we are spending time together," she said, not liking his accusation the least bit. "We have gone to the movies, hung out with Sophie and your parents."

"Yes, but we have barely talked about our future. I have yet to meet your parents," Matthew hissed, unappeased. "Look, I would like you to come to this party."

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