Chapter Six

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Since their fight, Matthew had given her a silent treatment, refusing to be in the same room. When she woke up on Saturday morning, there was no sign of him on the couch. Amelia tried calling him but hang up. 

They needed to talk in person. She had to come clean to Matthew and confess what had happened between her and James years ago, including the passionate kiss they had shared at Henry's place.

She had to do this, as smitten as she was with James, but he wasn't for her. Her feelings for him troubled her. It wasn't healthy for her relationship. But there was Matthew's lack of interest in her life. It was what had driven them apart in Italy.

The invitation to the gala had been unexpected. James' presence, most of the time, overwhelmed her. Her instincts told her that he was attracted to her, but she was with Matthew, and whatever hurdle they had hit, it could be easily remedied.

Her buzzer rang. She let in the lanky delivery guy up. "Miss Aslan, I have two packages for you. Please sign here," he announced.

Amelia accepted the items and kicked the door closed with her foot. A gasp slipped from her lips when she noticed Chanel on the clothing bag. Setting it down, she unzipped it and took out a sheer black lace dress with nude lining.

She held the elegant gown in front of her, admiring the deep neckline. The midnight colour accentuated her eyes. It must have cost at least thousands of dollars.

Then she opened the other parcel and found a small box that read L&L Inc. With her heart in her throat, she flipped the lid to find teardrop earrings, which suspiciously looked like diamonds. Amelia covered her mouth. This was too much. What did James think he was doing? He must be in the habit of giving such expensive gifts. If so, she was out of her element.

There was a sound of the front door opening. She put the jewellery away as Matthew came into view. He halted, his gaze sweeping over the items. "What's all this? Are you going somewhere?"

She decided to stick to the facts. "James got tickets for us for a Gala and Marlon Publishing Inc. would be there. The party is today. I didn't get a chance to tell you, as we have barely talked the past few days. "

"Are you kidding me? You said yes without asking me!" Matthew's eyes bulged in surprise. Her sweet, all-American boyfriend was replaced by a sulking man.

"Matthew, he has invited both of us. It's to help me make the right connections. Do you know hard it is for the writers to get published?" Amelia pointed out, letting go of the incriminating dress.

A bitter laugh echoed in the living room. "Are you fucking serious? Can't you see he is hitting on you? And, you know, I hate all these fancy-schmancy parties."

"But it's a perfect opportunity to get myself published," she cried in exasperation. "Come to this party with me. It would be fun."

"No, send your work for querying like the other authors."

"Why are you being like this?" she demanded, hurt.

"This whole writing thing is getting out of hand." Matthew threw his hands in the air, his voice rising with every syllable. "Do you realize how many writers make it big? Very few. They are like a drop in the ocean. Frankly speaking, you need to be a little realistic about the money and having a real job."

"You don't mean that." Her heart rendered into pieces at his failure to understand her.

"Open your eyes, Millie." He cut the distance between them. "If you think I am being unreasonable, then put yourself in my shoes. How would you feel if I take you to a boring party full of people droning about numbers?... Oh my God." He looked as if something had just occurred to him, the possibility of which he hadn't considered before. "You like him."

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