Chapter Eleven

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Sophie had risen to the occasion when Amelia had texted her about the spur-of-the-moment dinner plan. She had cooked up a hearty fare of risotto, linguini and flatbreads to honour Amelia's travel to Italy. It lifted her sagging spirits at the daunting task of facing her parents.

The Harlem episode continued to weigh on her mind. To witness the emotional upheaval, which lived in James, showed how affected he was by his prior relationship. She ached to make him whole again but didn't know how to do it.

After a quick shower, she changed into a short black dress. As she added a finishing touch to her makeup, the doorbell rang. "Please, God, let me survive this," she prayed to the heavens above. Soon, voices floated to Sophie's room. It was showtime.

When she came out, Sophie was greeting her parents with dramatic air kisses. "Welcome, Signor Zayd and Signora Jude." She laughed, ruining her terrible Italian accent even more.

"Hey, guys." Amelia smiled at her friend's attempt to subdue the oncoming storm and the attendant fiasco.

"Oh, honey. It's so good to see you. We are sorry that we couldn't come to the airport to pick you up." Her mother embraced her with an apologetic look. "Daniel kept us busy with his promotion, and then he proposed."

Of course, Daniel, the golden child, Amelia thought wryly as she hugged her parents. They were quite an elegant couple, both well-groomed with fine features that gave them an aura of old Hollywood. "It's okay, mom."

Her mother looked about. "Where is Matthew? We are excited to meet him."

Right on cue, Sophie said," Let me take this excellent wine, Zayd. I will be back." She fled with a overbright smile.

"Let's sit down first. How are things at work, dad?" Amelia gestured to the couch as her friend made the great escape.

"Busy as ever. Your brother has exceeded my expectations." Her father exchanged a look with her mother that said our-daughter-has-messed-things-as-usual. "Matthew isn't here. Is he? This doesn't sound very promising." Like a lawyer, he was always straight to the point.

Swallowing the painful lump in her throat, she unglued her mouth. "I didn't get a chance to tell you but things didn't work out between us and he has moved out." Her father disapproved of the live-in relationships but that boat had sailed.

"Why, Millie?" Jude's voice lacked sympathy.

"We were two people who wanted different things," she admitted, keeping her answers succinct as hurt welled up inside her.

"Have you tried seeking counselling with him?" Her father looked none to please at the news.

Biting back her retort, she replied, "There was no need for it, dad."

"So, what have you decided now?" Her mother remained indifferent to her daughter's discomfort. "You are single and don't have a permanent job. Amelia, you are in your late twenties. At your age, we were married and knew what we wanted. You are drifting around. I had thought, maybe, with a new investment banker boyfriend, you had come to your senses."

Her throat closed up in anger. Luckily, her phone buzzed. It was James. "Mom, let's go over the list of my failures later, alright. Sophie has made us a wonderful dinner. Try to enjoy it for her sake, " she said coolly.

"Millie, when is the right time to discuss anything with you?" Zayd vented with exasperation. "You haven't done much since graduation."

She wanted to tell them about the opportunity with Marlon Publishing Inc. but fought back the tears. Her phone vibrated again. She muttered, "I have to get this. Excuse me." Without waiting for their answer, she stormed past Sophie, who was putting the last-minute touches at the dining table. Once in the hallway, she picked up the phone. "Yes!"

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