Chapter Thirteen

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He had gone and almost destroyed the one good thing that life had given him.

James berated himself, staring at the waves which crashed around where he stood. The wind whispered on his skin as the sun dipped below the horizon.

After their fight, he had simmered at the beach, glaring at Brian who seemed oblivious to the trouble he had caused.

The sight of another guy touching his girlfriend had set him on edge. After a few minutes of debilitation, he had retraced his footsteps only to overhear the snatches of the conversation between Amelia and her mother.

"I don't know anymore if he and I are meant to be. I wish I knew, but I don't—"

Being stunned hardly described his feelings. James felt as if someone has pushed him off the cliff. Escaping outside, once more, he gulped in the fresh air.

It had been lust at the beginning, but unbeknownst to him, Amelia had seeped entirely into his life. He had even become attuned to her habits and odd quirks, such as drinking hot chocolate before bed. Life without her filled him with cold dread.

Whipping out his phone, James called the one person who could rescue him from this mess.

"James?" Liam sounded uncertain.

"Um, hi. How is it going?" he asked, feeling foolish. 

"As good as the last year when you cut me off." His ex-best friend didn't appear in an unforgiving mood.

"I was an ass. I should have believed you. I have a habit of making things worse," James amended ruefully. "I am sorry, man."

The silence stretched between them.

"I- I know that I may not be your favourite person right now, but I don't know who else to talk to." He bit back the panic gathering in his chest. He couldn't lose Amelia. Not now.

"Is something wrong?" Liam thawed a little.

"I met this wonderful girl, and her family invited me to Hamptons, but things have just gone awry. I feel so lost," James said truthfully, trying to calm the turmoil inside him. "We fought and she is having doubts."

"Whoa! Who is she?"

"It's a long story. I met Amelia when Henry was alive. When we reconnected again, things progressed quickly between us—"

"So, the cosmic powers gave you another chance. And you screwed up," Liam interrupted with disdain. "You realize that we haven't talked in ages."

Feeling as if he had been kicked in the guts, James sighed. "I am sorry for not believing you about Tiffany. I wanted the truth to go away. It was much easier. How did you even find out?" It was something he had never asked Liam before. In retrospect, he should have rather than blowing up his fuse.

"She made a move at me," he said drily.

James let out a bark of laughter, though regret made his voice hollow.

"But it doesn't matter now, does it?"

He thought hard. An image of a smiling Amelia by the sea flashed through his mind. His pulse leapt. "No, it doesn't. Not anymore."

"If you want my advice, tell this girl that you love her."

 "I- um," James grappled. Love!

Had he done the unthinkable and fallen in love without realizing it? True, he wanted to spend every moment with Amelia. He had watched the bloody Pride and Prejudice twice with her? Was this love?

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