Chapter 1

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Vivian P.O.V

Life had dealt me wrong , I had prayed it would redeem itself in my brown chocolate eyes and hopefully soothe my charred  heart. Everything had turned upside down. Escaping had become my only option in the hopes that everything would stay behind.

So I packed my bags and left.

And now I was on a fast track towards an unknown future. But it was a future none the less and I was willing to give life one more chance.

There I was, gazing  outside the window from the moving bus at the beautifully carved mountain pass, it was truly a sight to be astonished by.

The land was full of magnificent tall green trees with thick trunks and gigantic roots protruding from its belly. I open the window taking a deep breath of the fresh forest air of pine trees and rich dark soil to hopefully peel off my anxiety.

The sound of the birds chirping and fluttering wings was music to my ears a, the whole scene reminded me of fairytales and took me back to my childhood when my mother bought fairytale books for me.

I smiled, relishing in those distant pleasant memories.

A light fog occupied the atmosphere  making it a tad bit difficult to see the small plants surrounding the trees but you could see their beauty through it. The place was marvelous and the energy it possessed felt powerful, my heart was jumping up and down from the deep gallows of my chest and I could see my eyes shining from my reflection in the bus window.

My name is Vivian and I just got a job at a town called Winterberg in the Eastern cape of South Africa.
one of her friends was looking for a shop assistant for her crystal shop.

So I took the 'golden'  opportunity since I was unemployed, broke and yearning for a fresh start.

My mother was not thrilled by me moving to a new unfamiliar environment but I was 23 years old and she had no say in the matter.

I finaly snaped out of my thoughts and saw a board notifying that my destination was 10km ahead ,with excitement enough to make my heart explode from my chest I quickly checked myself in the mirror and my long black dreadlocks were still tied neatly and my chocolate brown lipstick was still in place. Satisfied with my looks I started to check my bags and put my snacks and water inside my handbag to prepare for my arrival at the bus station.

As soon as we arrived I took note that there was no bus station but instead it was a small gas station with not even a single soul in sight but I decided to brush off being creeped out and stood up from my seat.

I hopped off the bus and made a call to Celeste who was to be my landlord notifying her of my arrival so that she could take me to the small one roomed cabin we had agreed with since It was my first time in the town and I didn't want to risk being lost.Plus when we spoke on the phone that morning she told me to call her as soon as I arrived.

As I waited for her arrival I took a look at my surroundings and I observed the very small cute town with only one main street with gas station, supermarket, coffee shop that's also a bar and finally a Liquor store. The size of it did not deter me since I loved quite places surrounded by nature, I felt at home immediately and I took a deep breath to take in the pure sweet smell of nature.

In no less than ten minutes Celeste arrives in a silver Polo Vivo and the moment she steps out of her car I take note of her waist length white hair, its beautiful and shiny like its from a television or magazine commercial.

She comes up to me wearing a very warm smile with thin pink lips. I imagined her to be older to match her matured wise voice but she looks not a day older than 25, I was amazed by her beauty so much so that I did not even hear her greet me. I looked stupid she probably thought I'm a retard.

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