Chapter 22

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Vivian P.O.V

I woke up with a strong arm gripping my waist, I felt so warm both on the outside and also on the inside. I wished I could freeze time and we would stay in that moment forever.

I didn't dare move an inch, I stayed still in fear of waking him, instead I basked in his warmth. I replayed the previous night in my head  and I'm positive that my face was red, he took me to hights I never knew existed interns of pleasure. The bird was talented, I guessed that his age gave him plenty of experience in the bedroom.

" I know you're awake, now tell me what's got you all jolly and yet I haven't done nor said anything to you this morning?"

I didn't dare say anything since I didn't want to boost his already inflamed ego.

" Nothing special"

" Turn around , I want to give you something 'special' to think about during the day then"

I pulled a tiny smile and did his bidding and he indeed gave me something to keep me smiling through the long day of isolation in that God forsaken Mirror.

After our morning  of pleasure he left and I was all alone, loneliness stuck to me like a leech sucking my spirit. The only thing that kept me happy was the memory of him and what his  very talented tongue gave me. Breakfast came with his Elf Butler and I was surprised since he told me that it was just me and him who knew about this whole plan.

" Don't worry  My Lady , Lord Alrick told me everything last night before he came to you incase something would happen to him."

" Where is he?

I wanted to know the reason he didn't bring the meal himself.

" He's gone to reason with your family not to go to war with the warewolfs "

I was shocked , I thought he was joking or maybe mistaken.

" You father is devastated, your sudden death hit him hard so he is waging war on Neva and her people to avenge you."

Now guilt started to have its way with me, war meant inocent lives will be lost because of me and Alrick's selfishness. I sat on the bed with my mind full of images of people being slaughtered in my name while I'm hiding here having mind blowing sex with Alrick. I knew I could never live with myself if I let the war happen.

I needed to think fast and I decided in the spare of the moment to grab the butler with every inch of strength I had. I grabbed him by the collar and moved him closer so that he could feel my flaming hot breath.

" Get me out of here, it's an order!"
- Vivian

" Im afraid I cannot do that, Lord Alrick would have my head. Besides you came up with the idea to play possum so stay put."

The bastard was being difficult  and I didn't like his newly developed attitude so I decided to give him a tiny bit of encouragement. I let his collar go and grabbed his neck and concentrated all the heat in my body to my hands. I could smell the burning flesh from his neck. I let go after a few seconds.

" I said get me out of here you pale peace of shit."

" Or what, we call do this all day I don't care, but I'm not defying my master for a Dragon. Not now and not Ever. So give me your best shot little girl."
- Caldren

Now he was testing me and I don't like being tested.I could see that his neck wound was healing and I quickly grabbed his body across the room. It banged hard on the wall causing a huge dent.

I moved towards him and the next  moment I was right above him , he looked up and pulled a snug smile and I did what any clear thinking bitch would have done.

I stomped on his testicles one, twice and by the time I was ready for the third time his face was beet red. But still point ears was not budging, he was a tough cookie to crack and that irritated the living shit out of me.

So I decided to turn things up a notch. I closed my eyes and did what I did earlier with my hand, I concentrated all my heat to my mouth and I opened my mouth wide. I breathed my flaming hot breath towards his face with the aim of burning it, I knew he would heal instantly and I also knew that he would still feel all the pain. To me it mattered not that he could heal himself but I wanted to break him with pain, I kept burning his stupid face over and over until I went out of breath.

And guess what.......

Motherfucker still didn't break, he was laughing at me with the  most annoying evil laugh I have ever heard. I took a break and moved the chair to the exit and rested there. I was not going to risk the chance of him escaping, he was my hostage.

After a million hours Alrick came through the mirror, he looked around the the room and saw his poor elf minion sitting in the corner traumatized. Even though his physical body healed, his spirit was shattered into tiny little pieces. Alrick starred daggers at me and I stared back at him
Showing him I was not intimidated.

"What have you done to him?"

"Why didn't you tell me my father is waging war on innocents?, I thought you and I were past this, but again here we are back to where we started.
- Vivian

It was true,we were back to square one with him treating me like a child.

"And what, you decided to take out your frustration on him?,Why couldn't you wait for me to come back then take out your anger?"
- Alrick

"Well you didn't give me choice. I want to get out of this stupid mirror before innocent people die!."
- Vivian

At that point I was already standing up and my flames were burning up in my belly begging to be released.

" Calm down love, I spoke to your father and he said he just wants Neva not the whole Warewolf population. But if they refuse to give her to him if will be forced to go to war. So hopefully for their sales they will give him what he wishes for."
- Alrick

"And that makes things better how exactly? Please do enlighten me just incase I'm missing something."
- Vivian

I was failing to understand how he thought all of this was ok.But I didn't have enough evergy to fight him since I spent the whole day torturing an Elf .

So I turned around and went to the bathroom, I was dying for a chance to pee but I had a hostage situation going on and I ended up neglecting my body. I didn't eat nor shower for the whole day and I reeked of sweat from all the hard work.

"Don't leave while I'm still talking to you. We are not finished here...
Vivian come back this instant!!"
- Alrick

He was chasing after me like a puppy, I opened the door and right before I interested the bathroom I halted and turned towards him. With my hands folded and all the attitude I could master up.

" You are not my master, you are my mate and that means we are equals. So get that through your thick skull and stop ordering me around unless you want to end up like your little Elf servant."

He looked at me eyes wide and probably waiting for me to go back on my threat.
After a few seconds I got inside the bathroom and shut the door as loud as I possibly could.

Hey peeps it's another chapter. Please Vote and comment , I want to thank you for your support and because of it Im able to continue writing.

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