Chapter 21

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Vivian P.O.V

I screamed in the darkness till my throat got sore, I realised I was all alone in wherever I was and I nearly lost hope on ever getting out. It felt like a thousand years but surprisingly I never got hungry or required to use the ladies room. No matter how many times I tried using my Dragon sight it gave me no aid.

When I realised all these factors I then concluded that I was probably in some magical prison of some sort. I was definitely sure I was in some spell or something.

After what seemed to be a while the veil lifted and I was sleeping in a strange bed with maroon silk sheets and gold bed covers. The room was not large but it was very beautifully decorated  with Gold and maroon all over. Just as I was getting out of bed a wave of dizziness coupled with a horrendous nausea hit me and I found myself lying down again.

I decided to lie down for another few minutes then try waking up again but my plans were interrupted by someone intering through the long mirror in the corner of the room.

I froze....

There was no way that was happening I thought but I was disappointed to find out it was truly happening and I was not going crazy. The person intering was no other than my mate and the moment laid laid my eyes upon him I fumed with rage.

" What the fuck is going on you sick twisted psycho?."

He kept coming towards me on top of the bed and a fresh wave of strength possessed me and I jumped off the bed.
I still felt dizzy even though I was standing but I decided upon acting strong and not letting Alrick see my weakness right now.

" I asked you a question and I expect an answer you bastard."

" Calm down V,  I can explain. Quit being a drama queen love it doesn't suit you"
- Alrick

Tears had already welled in my eyes and my vision was blurry. I swore to myself to not show any weaknesses infront of him but I couldn't control the tears, one could have sworn they had a mind of their own.

" Everyone including your parents think's you're dead like we planned, even Neva thinks she killed you during your little cat fight."

" Wait what?."

Now I was confused as hell.

" Yesterday Morning I woke up before sunrise  and  did my morning flight  around my land . I did alot if thinking while flying and I concluded that your idea about faking your death was the most suitable course of action. So before you woke up I took one dreadlock from your head for the spell. When you left I prepared the whole plan and that's why I was late for breakfast".
- Alrick

The bastard had done it again, taking decisions about our future without me.
I more angry now because he didn't include me on the coup.

" Wow so you planned our future without me again.When will you start seeing me as your equal?, Tell me will you ever see me as nothing more than a little girl you need to rescue. TAKE ME BACK TO MY FAMILY NOW!!! ".

I was practically roaring at him and I had every right to. He thought he could just manipulate me and make decisions for me like I'm some child or pet.

"I did what needed to be done for both of  us now stop acting like a brat. Or are you still mad because I kissed Neva, it was not real now snap out of it.

I knew the sweet Alrick from that night was an act and now these are his true colours. I cursed myself for being stupid and believing that there was any chance of him changing the way he's been treating me.

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