Chapter 10

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This is all a joke right? That what in kept asking in my disbelieving stubborn mind.

Ow how I wished it was. For everything to be just a joke that everyone can just laugh off. But it was not and Dominic was dead serious. I could not believe this was happening to me but then again judging from the last couple of days anything is possible.

Out of all the humans and creatures in this God forsaken universe I had to get that evil sick bastard as a mate or intended husband. The Gods must really hate my guts. But fated or not I'm not letting psycho birdman touch me, I would rather die.

Anyways it was morning already and I have been tossing and turning like pork ribs in a barbeque all night without getting even a wink of sleep.

The plot was thickening very fast it had my world spinning. Everything was happening so fast and I wished with all my big dragon heart there was a pause button somewhere I could press for everything to just stop. But sadly there was none for me. In times like these I missed my mommy and my heart was aching for leaving without speaking to her. I cursed myself for being so stupid and selfish.

Realisation hit yours truly like a ton of bricks that I might never see her again and there was so much I wanted to ask her.

Dommy rose up without saying a word to me, he slept very far away from me as possible that night as if I had the plague. And I was beginning to think maybe he is mad at me or something. Things were tense between us since last nights revelation and I don't know how to fix it. How do I even fix a situation like this. I didn't know let alone agree to be Alrick's future wife or mate.

So I decided to be the bigger person,

" Gudmorning Domms hope you got a good nights sleep!..
- Vivian

I would be lying if I say I did. Tell me what else happed between you and Alrick in that cabin and please stop keeping things from me!!!

I was hurt to find out he thought I was keeping stuff from him. In thought he trusted me and he was someone I could even go as far as calling a friend but I guess I was wrong because there we were with him practically shouting at me for something I did not know.

"But I already told you what happened what else do you want from me. Why would I lie I didn't even know who he was before you told me. I can't believe you don't trust me"

I was frustrated beyond measure and I was tired due to lack of sleep and all the emotional turmoil I have been through lately.

How could he say these things knowing all that I have been through?.

I thought he was on my side but I guess I was dead wrong. He was turning on me after crossing worlds with me.

Tell me this is not happening right now.

"So you are telling me you didn't feel anything when he was at your cabin? And I'm supposed to just believe that?......he is your mate and he can't curse you unless this has been your plan all along.
How do I know you didn't already know who you were when you came to town and Alrick got to you first or to your mother. What if this is you and your mates plot to get whatever Alrick wants from your father to wipe away my kind.

" Where is this all coming from? Last night you seemed like you believed me. What changed Dominic?

Last night he wasn't like this, where did all this hostility come from?

" well you were not the only one awake all night, I did some thinking and a lot came to my mind. I wonder what would happened to you if I would fuck you haahh? , would the pain kill you? Coz u must understand that I cannot take you to your father so that you can deliver him to your lover. I'M NOT THAT STUPID. And certainly cannot just leave you and let you find other means to get to him.
- Dominic

I slowly backed away from him looking around for an escape route. Things were going south. I could not understand his reasoning at all and I could see it in his eyes that he was dead serious. I needed to get away from him really fast and I was not sure I could outrun him.

In a blink of an eye he roughly pulled me to him and my face collided with his chest. The pain hit me again and this time it was stronger or maybe my fear made it worse I don't know.

" shhhh. I can't promise this will end soon. This is also my first time. I wonder how soft your skin feels in mine. How about we take this T-shirt off? So I can see those perky t.........

A bolt of lighting came out of nowhere and hit Dominic square on his back. His body started to jerk frantically as he was being electrified and he fell into the floor. I was in shock , hell I was probably shaking and I could hear a heartbeat like when I was being followed in the forest. I looked around but saw nobody. I bent to the ground and checked on my attacker but he was not moving nor breathing so the beating heart I was hearing was definitely not his.

I stood up and looked around the cavern again and there he was by the entrance in all his glory looking at me. Eyes glowing silver, raw power radiating from him and of course he was topless like the last time.

His eyes changed back to normal and we spent probably a good five minutes staring at each other. He took a step forward and I took three steps back. My heart was exploding inside and not because of my undying love for the bird. I was pissing my pants with fear of the creature before my eyes ,Our eyes stayed locked and I could not look away.

"A pleasure to meet you again beautiful. Did the filthy Lizard boy hurt you?".

I could not answer ,I was shaking like a leaf.

Heyyy luvs plz vote and comment on your thoughts.

Dominic is such an asswipe lyk who drags a lady to another world only to turn on her???.

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