chapter 2

111 16 17

Vivian P.O.V

In have never been this afraid in my life ,

I mean ever.

I hid in the bathroom for a good 15 minutes before I summoned the courage to come out. I scanned the inside of the small cabin and I peeked outside through the window, It was silent as a graveyard like nothing happened only the sound of the waterfall and the chirping of the birds.

So I took a deep breath and blamed my overactive imagination. The rest of the day went by quickly with me buisy with unpacking.

With everything unpacked my stomach rang the alarm for dinnertime. I quickly guzzled down the leftovers from the road and called it a night with the soft mattress welcoming my tired body like a long missed lover.

I could feel myself drifting  away into the deep sea of dreams full of monsters and all sorts of wonders. With the waves carrying me away gently but soon, a dark storm in the form of an unidentified  sound woke me. Like a drum it mantained the same intense rythm getting stronger and louder  as seconds passsed.

  I  could identify  it as a heartbeat, one that always managed to perspirate my ebony skin everytime.

It was as  loud as if someone was sleeping in the bed with me. I knew there was no one there so I didn't waste my time checking. I had been haunted by it for many years and everytime there was no one there to claim it.

But still it always planted a fear in me like no other,my insides still went cold with its every haunting. I covered myself with the blankets as always and waited for the nightmare to stop.

It always did after a few minutes. But it seemed like was taking longer this time. The air in the room had become dense with dark energy, something that never happened before but I dared not look. I was too scared, I could only  feel its mallice  deep in my bones.

My heart was beating so loud I was definitely 1000%, yes ONE THOUSAND PERCENT sure it would soon pop right out of my chest.

After a grueling twenty  minutes it stopped. Like it was never present.

And as always I cried myself back to sleep wondering when it would ever release me from its horrid chains.

Morning came after probably a sentury, and just as I was starting to relax again and fall back to sleep I was rattled by a loud knock on my door and I  quickly checked the time on my phone,I was shocked to find out  it was already 8:10 am. I rushed out of bed, getting dressed as I headed for the door to see who dared disturb my slumber.

And there he was , the most handsome man I had ever gazed upon and immediately I become nervous, I mean here I was with a straight out of bed look and there he was looking like a God straight from mount Olympus.


The mystery hunk then goes on and smiles showing his dimples while the only thing gracing my cheeks were drool stains, to say I was embarrassed is an understatement.

He had brown dreadlocks and skin like caramel that dared any woman to take a bite. He had beautiful hazel eyes and I could see that his body was built like a Spartan.

The stranger greeted me and he had a very deep rich voice, it was smooth and thick in a very sexy way but I decided to keep my mind innocent and not let it venture into sinful destinations. I gave the most decent greeting I could master back, there was something about him and it frustrated the hell out of me that I could not pinpoint what it was.

He felt familiar like I knew him but yet I didn't, I was sure that me and him had never met before..... like never. So I decided to introduce myself and he did the same and told me his name was Dominic.

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