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Maddison's pov

Rolling my eyes at something my dad said, i laughed.

"Its true, you've really grown up. Your beautiful, mad"

I smiled "thank you dad"

"So your sure you got everything. Its all packed in the car"

I rolled my eyes for the billionth time today

"Yes dad. Plus we aren't turning around now, we are already almost to your house"

He stayed quite

"Whats wrong"

"About that. There are other people living with me"

I looked at him confused "ok?"

"Sorry i didn't give you a warning. It totally slipped my mind"

I laughed "dad its fine. Who are they?"

"Justin, Ryan, and Chaz. They are about your age Justin is 18 and Rayan and Chaz are 17, like you"

I nodded "cool, if you don't mind me asking, why-"

"Were here" he said obviously changing the subject, but i just brushed it off.

I got out of the car and grabbed my suitcases. "This house hasn't changed a bit dad" i laughed "i love it"

He smiled "boys come outside and help me get Maddison's bags"

"Dad i can get-"

The front door opened and three boys came out. They were really cute but one of them stood out to me. He had brown, longish hair, and tattoos going up his arms.

"Hi Madison,i'm Ryan" he said snapping me out if my thoughts

"Hi Ryan and feel free to call me Maddi. Only my dad calls me that" i laughed messing with his hair

"Maddison Rose Jones don't ever touch my hair again" he said and all the boys laughed. I rolled my eyes

"Wow. Are you guys related or what" the boy laughed "I'm Chaz"

I smiled at him shaking his hand

"And I'm Justin. " He grabbed my hand and kissed it but i pulled away.

"I could have just done with a handshake"

Ryan and Chaz "oohheed" and my dad laughed

"You really are my daughter" my dad said proudly

We headed inside and dad showed me my room.

"Thank you dad. I'm just gonna unpack and ill meet you back downstairs in 20" he kissed my forehead

"Alright sweetheart"

I turned on music from my phone and started to put my things away. I turned around to put things into my bathroom when i bumped into a figure.

"Oh I'm sorry. I wasn't-" i looked up to see the boy that flirted with me before. Although he was cute, i didn't like when guys approached me that quickly.

He smirked "its fine. I came up to tell you that dinner is ready"

"Oh ok. Ill be down in a minute. I didn't know my dad cooked"

He laughed "he doesn't. God help us if we did eat his cooking. But no i made it. Its perfectly safe"


"I want to apologize for earlier. I wasn't trying to-" he started but i cut him off smiling

"Is Justin apologizing?" I smirked "I'm just kidding but you don't need to apologize. If anything i should"

"Lets just start over"

I smiled "id like that"


"No. He fell into the water" i couldn't stop laughing but started again "he was trying to teach me how to fish, but i ended up teaching him"

Everyone was laughing

"Ever since then i knew she was going to be an independent, strong girl, like her mother" i smiled

"So anyone want more hamburgers or can i clean up"

"Maddi you don't have too clean up" Justin said

"No its fine"

"Then, Ill help" Justin said taking things into the kitchen behind me

"So, what do you like to do" he asked while washing a dish

"Um, i like to do anything adventurous really"

"Really?" He asked shocked

I laughed "why?

He shrugged "i thought girls liked to shop and paint there nails and girly crap like that"

"We then you my friend are wrong. Plus when you have a dad like mine, you don't have a choice to be anything but adventurous things. He loves it"

He laughed "I've noticed"

When we were done we went to the family room with everyone else. I walked over to my dad and gave him a hug

"Im gonna head to bed, its been a long day"

He nodded and kissed my forehead "alright baby, love you"

"Love you too. Night guys"

"What no goodnight kiss for me?" Justin said jokingly

"Ha ha funny. Goodnight"

He laughed "night"

"Night maddi" Ryan and Chaz said at the same time

"Jinks" they said at the same time again and started to argue. Rolling my eyes i headed upstairs and laid in my bed. Once my head hit the pillow, i was out like a light

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