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"What the fuck are you doing here?" She spat. Her words cutting straight through him.

Suddenly his decision to wing this was seeming incredibly ignorant.

"I—I, um, well, I thought that w—we should talk." The words grated his throat like sandpaper as he fumbled for what to say to her.

"I'm busy." She deadpanned, staring straight through him as he felt himself deflate.


"Later then?" He questioned, his voice raised in pitch as his worry worked its way through to his words.

"I don't know, Blake. I have work to do. I can't do this right now." She said glancing down at the floor and avoiding looking at him.

He swallowed with great difficulty, offering a small, "I'm sorry," before meeting the eyes of the others in the room and stepping back to the hallway.

"Breathe, Blake. Breathe." He said, mostly to himself as the door closed behind him. He could already feel the anger inside him bubbling and the last thing he needed to do was make it worse before he could make it better.

He stalked down the hall to his own recording space, finding it empty he slammed the door behind him and slumped against the wall.

What the hell was he going to do? He was supposed to be mad at her but now he was way more concerned about their future than his hurt caused by her spilling his family secrets.

His mom was right. In the heat of the moment his comments had seemed appropriate and he'd felt validated. With time and perspective though he knew he'd fucked up.

The knob on the door jiggled and the door swung open to reveal Rian.

"You look like shit." His best friend said with raised eyebrows.

Was Rian still his best friend? He'd barely spoken a word to him in weeks.

"Yeah, well, I feel worse trust me. Where the fuck have you been, Bro?"

"I've been...around." The green-eyed boy replied raising his hands to adjust the snapback he wore.

"Just feel like I haven't seen much of you lately is all." Blake said, his shoulders shrugging.

"You haven't really been around." Rian offered. "The girl's good for you, I admit that, we all admit that. You're much less of an asshole than you used to be. I don't know, we just used to hang out all the time and now you're always with her."

"Well you might not have to worry about that anymore."

"What?" Rian asks, his head snapping around to find the grimace on Blake's face.

"She's pissed at me, I'm still pretty pissed at her. It all sucks and I don't know how to fix it. I'm so confused."

"What the fuck happened? I thought you guys were like, unbreakable after that whole thing with Ashley."

A groan escaped Blake's lips as he thought back to that whole ordeal.

"We were fine and then she did that fucking interview. She brought up my charity work and how it's all military related and hinted that I had a familial reason for my contributions and reporters dug up the whole story about my dad. Me being, well me, I went off on her. It was a whole knock down drag out and I basically told her I agreed with her shitty parents."

"What's so shitty about her parents?"

"Fuck, we really haven't hung out in too long. Her own fucking parents are suing her. They're awful human beings, truly just demented people and I told her I understood why they don't want anything to do with her."

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