Part 2: Secrets Can Be Kept...

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Jordan Kleizmick,

You've committed a crime. I'm impressed.

I suppose things aren't what they seem. Never trust the innocent ones right? You don't know what's beneath the surface.

Anyways, I would watch out. After all, secrets are dangerous. And unpredictable.

-Secret Keeper

"You cheated!" Julia complained as she gave Jordan a light shove

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"You cheated!" Julia complained as she gave Jordan a light shove.

"I did not!"

"Did too!"

"Tell me, Lia-"

"Don't call me Lia! We've been over this."

"Why not?"

"Because there's someone else called Lia."

"No there's not. There's only a Mia in my grade."

"There's a Lia in mine," Julia crossed her arms and wrinkled her nose. "I don't like her. She's the one that put blue paint in Lasiya's locker a month ago."

"Lasiya, as in the Indian girl?" Julia nodded. Jordan laughed, a couple things falling into place. "No wonder Jason enlisted Alyssa to take care of Lia."

"Well, Lasiya took care of Lia herself before Alyssa could do anything. All these L names are getting confusing," Julia furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait a minute! Why would Jason care about Lasiya having paint in her locker?"

"I think their friends," Jordan told her.

"Huh," Julia thought. "That's strange. The only time that I saw the two of them interacting, Lasiya slapped him across the face."

"She slapped him?!" Jordan laughed. "Why?"

"No idea. Jason wouldn't tell me. How did you know they were friends?"

"I saw them talking once a couple weeks ago."

"Huh. Jason must've become friends with her after that."

Jordan shook his head, "He's so weird."

Julia shrugged, "Sometimes, I guess."

"Why do you think he changed his last name?"

"I don't know. He didn't tell me."

"Me neither," Jordan sighed.

"Yeah. But ever since then he's gotten so moody. Did you notice how many fights he gets into with dad these days?"

Jordan nodded, "It's like he wants a fight. I don't get it."

Julia sighed as she looked at the woods around her, "They used to have the best relationship ever."

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