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As the sun had risen the next morning, Harry after a decade and a half of no sleep, some how slept peacefully.
Harry awoke early that morning. He stretched and yawned as he plotted the day.
Fudge was coming in for a visit. Though he didn't know why, this could be useful for him to persuade the minister of magic to be on Harry's side and do his bidding if needed.
Sometimes I think slytherin is the house you belong in.
Harry rolled his eyes.
Yes. I am a secret slytherin I guess you could say. Now shut up. I need to plan my bidding for the day. Don't need you in my head you slimy snake lord.
Voldemort's laugh could be heard in Harry's head, echoing throughout it.
As you wish Potter. Though there is only one part of my body I would consider slimy only at certain times.
Harry laughed at the obvious flirting tactic. It had been like this for months now.
Voldemort, chiming in and cracking jokes seeing as the Potter boy wasn't as fond of the light as he initially thought. And Harry, pretending to still loath the dark lord when really, they had become sorta close.
Harry walked out of his dorm room, Harry tamed his hair after a few spells and hair gel. Draco had suggested that one.
Speak of the blonde devil.
"Hades!" Draco yelled when he spotted him. Harry merely chuckled and walked up to the boy.
"Hello dray. How did you sleep?" At this, the blonde boy smiled and returned the greeting. "Hi hades. I slept well. How was your rest? I'm guessing you fell asleep with a book yet again."
They both laughed as Harry falling asleep with a book was a normal occurrence.
The two headed to breakfast, Harry sitting at the gryffindor table after giving a silent goodbye and fake glare towards his supposed 'enemy' and filled his plate with a bit of food. Though the two were friends, they kept up their acts in public so people wouldn't truly know what Harry was up to.
But Harry had spent more than a few nights at Malfoy manor while Lucius was out on a mission as soon as his birthday hit.
His family kicked him out at midnight. He then apperated into Draco's room, startling the boy that night.
Harry had finished the summer with Draco and Narcissa. But Lucius didn't have to know.
Voldemort had gotten a small kick of amusement out of the situation. Three death eaters that live in that manor yet Harry felt safe there of all places from danger?
Oh if Albus could see his perfect golden boy in his spare time.
When breakfast had finished, Harry was off to potions. Snape paired Harry and Draco which of course they 'hated' but did anyway.
The two were the only ones to get an A and then the class dismissed.
Not so useless when you pay attention now are you?
Harry shook his head. He'd gotten use to the constant flirtatious teasing and actually had even began to like it.
Nice to know you enjoy my presence.
Harry laughed silently in his head as he felt the connection fade.
Tom merely popped in and out on occasion. But he still heard all of Harry's thoughts.
As the day passed Harry couldn't help but notice that Dumbledore strictly made fudge avoid Harry.
Even when the minister requested to speak to Harry. Dumbledore would just say he was busy and they could speak later.
When fudge was about to leave Harry stopped him.
He had pulled fudge aside for a bit of a comical conversation. Only comical to Harry non the less.
"Hello minister. I wanted you're advice on something if I could."
At this the ministers eyes lit up at the request. "Of course mister Potter. I've actually been trying to speak to you all day. Albus said you were busy I'm afraid."
This was it. This was a way for Harry to prove that Dumbledore wasn't a great man to fudge.
"What? There must be something I missed because out of all the chaos this year, this is the one day I was free from almost all my work or important duties."
Harry gave an innocent look with a hint of fake confusion fudge didn't see past.
"Oh. I'm afraid Albus must have intentionally kept us apart then. What was the advice you wished for mister Potter?"
This was Harry's time. It was time to play fudge into his hands so he could save the alliance for later.
You're evil.
Shut up.
I like it!
Harry rolled his eyes in his head.
"I was wondering just what it took to be a minister? I was hoping one day to follow in you're foot steps and maybe have you help me when I finish school? I find you're ability as a minister a quite good out look."
Inside Harry was dying of laughter. Fudge was nothing more then a liar and an ignorant joke.
But with the way fudges eyes twinkled at the request, Harry knew he had won this round for himself.
"Well of course my boy!"
The two said their farewells after fudge spoke to Harry for awhile on the advances of his future as junior minister and maybe eventually replacing fudge when the time came.
The day ended on a high note of Harry sneaking into the slytherin common room with parseltongue and reading to Draco.
The two hung out in the slytherin common room a lot, seeing as Harry threatened to curse anyone of the Slytherins that might have spoke a word of his friendship to Draco.
The two fell asleep with content settled.
Sleep my serpent. Tomorrow is a new day.

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