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Once Harry had gotten up and made coffee, Tom had walked into the kitchen to a sight he practically drooled over.
Harry was making breakfast, with his shirt off, taking a sip of his coffee which he magically enchanted the cup to float near his lips, and he had a book magically enchanted in front of his face reading with his glasses pushed down slightly.
Tom drooled slightly at the sight. He had never seen someone multitask so gracefully.
He was so out of it that he didn't notice Harry was speaking.
Take a photograph. It lasts longer.
Came that angelic voice he came to love.
"So Potter, what's for breakfast?" Tom asked sitting down.
"Whatever I put in front of you." He replied.
Tom rolled his eyes and Harry chuckled. The two were ridiculous.
Once they had sat and eaten their meal, Tom finally took notice of the scars on Harry's torso.
This enraged him.
How dare those terrible muggles do that to his Harry?!
As soon as their plan took action and Harry officially came out to the wizarding world that he was dark, Tom would torture them until they begged for death.
Thank you for the enthusiasm. I might take you up on that offer.
Tom laughed and Harry chuckled.
"I could feel you're anger through the bond love. Relax. They are not going anywhere. And when I do decide them to be dead, I'll take Bella with me."
Tom laughed very hard at that thought. Bella and Harry had become sorta friends. She would surely make the muggles pay for hurting him.
"Are you staying today? Or are you heading back to hogwarts with the old bat?" Tom sneered in disgust.
"I'll stay if you wish that of me. I don't have much to do today anyway."
Tom thought for a moment. The decision was up to him.
If he could choose he would climb back in bed with Harry and just not let him go.
That can be arranged you know.
Tom flinched at the slight flirty tone in Harry's voice.
Flirtatious today are we Potter?
Harry rolled his eyes.
You're the one who insisted on snuggling me in bed, Tom.
Tom snorted.
Shut it Potter. Dark lords do not 'snuggle' as you so sweetly put it.
Harry laughed.
"Come on." Harry pulled Tom to his feet and practically dragged him into the library in Toms private quarters.
He sat Tom in front of the fire and grabbed a book.
After forcefully pulling Tom back against his chest, Harry opened the book and started to read.
After Tom had settled down from his struggling, he started to enjoy Harry reading to him.
Harry was the one in 6th year who figured out how to change to into his human form. He could transform from his snake form to human quite easily now after some parsel magic.
Tom quickly transformed into his human. Harry started to softly stroke Toms dark hair as he read.
Tom leaned into the touch and slightly hissed in pleasure.
Harry didn't stop reading or stroking Toms hair until night fell and they had made it through 7 books.
When night fell Tom thanked him for the relaxation and stress relief.
"No problem love. Let's go to sleep now. Tomorrow will be a long day. I must go back to attend classes and you must get ready for another meeting and raid of Azkaban."
Tom sighed and headed to his room.
While Toms was loosening his tie, Harry apperated behind him.
Tom had actually wanted Harry to not go back and to stay with him.
But of course Harry wouldn't do it. What was he thinking?
Harry leaned towards Toms ear and whispered to him.
"If you want me to stay..im not going anywhere."
He gently leaned close to Toms neck.
"Just remember...if you want me I'm yours." Harry placed a small kiss to Toms neck as he tilted his head for more access.
"Mm. Harry what a...tempting..offer."
Harry nipped at Toms ear and licked the shell of his earlobe.
"If you want me to be yours all you have to do is say so...my lord."
The sudden switch to parseltongue snapped Toms sanity.
He quickly threw Harry to his bed and pinned him down.
"Careful with your next words Potter. What you say next could mean something you might not want into."
Tom kisses along Harry's jawline and to his throat.
"I've watched you for a long time Tom. All the fantasy's you've had of me. The looks you've given me. And I must say you were incredibly dense to not notice the looks I gave you."
Tom paused with a brow raised.
"Oh Tom please." Harry snorted. "I've watched you for a long time. Every time you have a thought of me I hear it. We've been flirting with each other for months."
Harry leaned up, so close to Toms ear that the dark lord could feel Harry's breathe.
"So ravish me...my lord..."
Tom didn't hesitate or have to be told twice. He took advantage of Harry's offer and ravaged him for hours on end.
That night..Tom got his wish...
Harry crawled into bed with him that night....and this time he didn't leave...
Never again would he leave....

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