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It was late at night when Severus awoke Dumbledore. The old man was barely awake when Severus had reported Harry Potter had joined the meeting.
They got Harry rushed out of bed immediately and into Dumbledores office.
Still rubbing his sleep filled eyes Harry spoke first. "What's this all about professor?"
He acted as though he were as innocent as an oblivious Ronald Weasley.
"Potter I don't know what game you're playing, but it stops now! Honestly betraying the light?! We will see to it you never go there ever again!!"
Voldemort had heard the conversation as he barely slept anyway.
They can't stop you. You're 17. Legal age for a wizard to not have control over him.
"I'm 17. It's not exactly illegal for me to do as I please. For you however, it is illegal to stop me or interfere with my life as you are planning. So I suggest we all go back to our rooms to sleep!"
With that, Harry barged out of the room angry, how dare the light lord?!
Harry wanted to destroy something. Anything.
The whole alliance with Voldemort started in Harry's 5th year after Sirius' death. After he watched his only true loyal follower go into the veil, Harry swore to make Dumbledore pay. He was the reason Sirius was dead. Not Bellatrix. Not Voldemort. Not the dark. Dumbledore.
If not for him being apart of the stupid light order, he would be alive.
Harry stomped his way into the restricted section, disarming all the charms and locks on the way.
He grabbed a book he thought useful and headed down to the dungeons. He decided to go to Salazars chamber.
At least there he had some peace.
You have peace with me.
Harry smiled slightly. Yes that was true. He had Voldemort and his manor. But Harry couldn't be in Voldemort's manor no matter how much he wanted to 24/7. He still needed to play the wizarding world into his hands for his plans.
Dumbledore wouldn't be believed over the perfect golden boy.
It was impossible.
Harry was a savior in their eyes. And unless he had physical proof, they believed he would never betray them.
But you did!
Harry smiled slightly then sighed. Yes, he killed kid than made a Horcrux. Yes, he spied for the dark a little. Yes, he used unforgivables and attended a few meetings with Voldemort and his death eaters.
But what? You are as about as light as you are truly gryffindor. Though you have bravery I admit, you're more cunning and ambitious than anything else.
Harry sighed again. He was right. Bloody hell he was always right.
Asa slithered into the room, looking concerned for her master.
Are you alright master? I felt you're worry through the bond.
Harry laughed slightly at his protective familiar and Horcrux. She truly was as loyal as Nagini was to Voldemort.
I'm fine vicious one. Merely thinking is all. Hope you slept well my slithering friend. I'm bringing you a meal soon.
The snake hissed in appreciation and slithered onto Harry's chair, resting her head in his lap and her body among his shoulders.
Harry was soon to give Asa a meal. Voldemort had promised him to do as he pleased with wormtail. He had said Harry could kill him during their next meeting with the death eaters.
Though he did not know Harry had planned on bringing a snake-his snake nonetheless-and having it eat wormtail alive for a show that everyone would probably enjoy.
Except wormtail of course.
Harry laughed and felt a small burn in his scar. He knew Voldemort had started into his mind. Honestly now Harry had come to feel comfort in the burning his scar caused him.
Good to know you enjoy when I bring you pain Potter.
Harry laughed. Voldemort was such a sarcastic son of a bitch and Harry loved it. In the past two years, Voldemort had told him more and taught him more than what the light had tried to teach him in five.
Harry was a powerful wizard because of it and he truly found it helped him to benefit a lot from everything Voldemort taught him.
But he knew the man would probably still kill him once his Horcrux was somehow safely separated and he needed Harry for no more use.
Is that truly what you think of me?
The sentence was vague, with what Harry almost swore was a hint of disappointment and sadness. But he brushed it off as his mind playing tricks.
Sometimes. How do I know you won't betray me once you win the war and I'm no longer useful? You have more than one Horcrux and certainly I'm not the most valued.
He could hear Voldemort snort at the statement. But Harry truly didn't know what to think.
Would the dark lord simply kill him when he deemed worthy? Harry didn't know honestly.
But one thing was for sure.
He knew that if Voldemort had asked Harry to hand over his wand, stand without a fight, and let Voldemort give him a death, painful or painless, Harry would obey one hundred percent.
Though Harry was not a death eater, he would obey Voldemort ultimately if the man truly wanted him dead.
And that's what made him so valuable. More than he could see.
And somehow, he knew that Voldemort understood what Harry would do if Voldemort wanted Harry dead.
He'd toss his wand to him, kneel in defeat, and accept his death with warm, welcome, arms and allow for Voldemort to let the curse hit him clean, once the spell left his lips.

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