Forgive me

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Forgive me
Im trying To reconcile with my past
All while building my future
And I know that it seems as though no space for you exists in my heart
But there's always room
Just let me move some things around
I know my brokenness may become overwhelming for you
And I will completely understand if, for this, you want to leave
But know that I will love you with all that I am
Even if I don't have much to offer
I will peel the stars off my bedroom ceiling
And give you the paper moon I made in the 5th grade
Because maybe I can't give you the world
But I promise to exist in yours
I will live every moment with you like it's the last
And love every second with you like it's the first
Lately you've been my biggest inspiration
And sometimes my biggest distraction
But somehow you've become the balance in my chaotic life
So if my world is too broken for you
I will duct tape the cracks I have created in my world
And do my best to let in some light
Forgive me
I know my brokenness proceeds me
But I promise under all these cracks
The slice of heart I have left is for you
So forgive the mess
I was just making some room

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