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Sometimes I feel disconnected from the world
Like I'm living in my thoughts and the rest is just outside noise
I feel empty
I hear people telling me everything is going to be okay
And wishing me better feelings
But all I feel is nothing
Like I'm on autopilot
Sometimes it's even hard to love the people I do
Almost as if even their love isn't enough to fix my brokenness
Inside I'm screaming for help
Hoping that someone will see through my daily facade
But no one ever does
So I'm left alone to my thoughts
Sloppily stitching myself together and hoping it would be enough
I constantly ask the universe why I deserve to be this broken
How all this pain was necessary
People always tell me that pain makes you stronger
But I never understood why I needed to be so strong
I'm tired of being strong
Holding the world on my shoulders
My body and my soul are completely exhausted
Maybe I should let go
Just let everything go
It would be easier to just stop existing
But I'm not that selfish
Even in my worst moments I have to keep going
Even if it means I'll have to endure a little more pain
I tell myself to take a deep breath and let my mind switch off
Sometimes I feel disconnected from the world
So I promise I'll try my best to keep going

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