Loosing grip

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I think I started to lose myself trying to find you
You said you were the one who wasn't ready
But I don't think I was either
I was so ready to end my life if it meant starting yours
That I didn't stop to think what I'd lose if I did
I've been drowning, I didn't want to admit it
I wanted to believe that I was doing you a favor
But if we were both drowning how could I possibly save you
I had to pull myself ashore
And yet I'm still coughing up the salt water tears I drank for you
You became a drug, an escape from the cages of my everyday life
I didn't realize I was only weighing you down
They say if you love someone let them go
But what if letting them go means dropping them off a cliff
What if you were their only teether to life and you failed them
I promise I'm staying
I'll just be right by the shoreline
Holding the life jacket I made for you
I need to be in your arms
So hold on baby
I promise you just gotta keep swimming
I'll be waiting for you when you get here
I brought a flashlight and some pork tacos
I hope you'll get here someday

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