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The sun wasn't out today
It hid behind the darkening clouds
As if it was afraid to show itself ;
What people don't seem to understand is that I am a sunflower
I truly can not function without sunlight
And when darkens drapes over my days
My demons come out to play
To remind me how dark my world truly is
I dream of green fields and blue sky's,
And her
When sunflowers can't find the sun they turn towards each other
Clinging to each other as if they were each others suns
She is my sun
The one light that never seems to go away
I dream of her soft lips and tan skin
The way her fingers would caress my cheek
And how her lips would curve when she would call me beautiful
I don't believe in god but if I did, I'd say
God crafted her just for me
A souls just as broken as my own
Almost as if all the broken pieces that my soul has lost
Are the same pieces her soul has retained
How is it possible that she is my missing puzzle piece
Like the broken pieces in my heart were crafted especially for her
So when our souls connect
They will fit perfectly together
The sun wasn't out today
But the day was brighter than all the stars in the world
Because my sun is her

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