Loving you.

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Thank you for choosing to love me
Thank you for choosing to stay even when everything's telling you to go
Thank you for midnight laughs even if we haven't had them in awhile
Thank you for trying even if you felt like giving up
Thank you for being you
You've become someone I didn't know how to place
But still I place you at the center of my heart and hope that there's enough room for you to stay
Enough room for you to maneuver without hassle
I say I love you a lot but I feel like I haven't really said it
I feel as though we've gotten so used to just existing in each others worlds that we haven't done much else
We've gotten so comfortable that we haven't had our own hobbies
Maybe we're forcing something that shouldn't be forced
Like space is a good idea but it hurts
So here's my proposal
One phone call a day
10 minutes maybe more if we forget about time
But just one
I love you with everything I have
But we've gotten too comfortable and I think maybe missing each other a little would be good
Please don't hate me or think this is me trying to leave
This is me trying to stay
I'm trying to make both of us okay
I love you maybe more than I've loved anyone
But maybe that love has blinded me from what's truly in front of me
So let me love you from 3 steps back
I'll hand you the bandages and help you stitch the places you can't reach
But I'll love you from a distance until you're ready to love me truly and whole heartedly
I'll love you until you learn to love yourself and maybe even more after you do

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