Enough of bad comments

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That's it guys i had enough. I have been noticing that some people have serious problem with chapter 12, where Avni get angry because Ansh was sexually involved with his gf when they were in a relationship which was oviously before Avni and Ansh's marriage. 

I understand that you people think it was just not required. But remember Avni is naive and innocent in terms of relationship. She doesn't know much about relationship. Ansh is her first. And she felt bad knowing that she is not his first while he is her's. Remember it's my story and this is how i want to portray my character. You guys have your own opinions and I seriously respect that. And I would like it if you respect my decisions regarding the story.

But what I don't respect is people calling others 'slut' in my comment section. Saying stuffs which are offensive is not at all acceptable  by me and all those comments will be reported. I have personally sent messages to those people who are involved in this comment incident.

And the most important thing, I respect all type of profession which also includes prostitution. Because nobody knows what circumstances made them do that. And i believe in not judging people. And so i will be thankful if people don't bash other people. 

And talking about western and Indian cultures. I respect both cultures and wont say anything regarding it. You guys have your own opinions and want to prove it right then do it outside my comment section. I don't entertain these stuffs. 


I'm sorry if i sound rude but i don't support these things so these stuffs will not be entertained by me . 

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