Chapter 5

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~Yukimi POV

After I made it home I didn't notice my father waiting for me in a chair he put in the hallway. He had a lit cigarette in his mouth as he put it out blowing the smoke in my direction.

"I apologize for returning home so late father" I said softly as I moved to put my things away.

"The school called to tell me that you skipped school several times" He looked up at me as he stood slowly kicking the chair back. "Tell me who are the boys you were with" He began to slowly walk towards me making me tense up, his eyes, he had the same intentions as Akito did.

This was different he was the one that I was scared of, not Akito.

"Yuki and Akito S-Sohma" I began to explain everything that happened earlier today but I defended Akito as well. "They're my friends" I mumbled under my breath.

My father hasn't been angry up until now, which means he's been drinking.

I can smell it on his breath.

"Akito Sohma is nobody's friend" He said raising his voice slightly. "Why the Sohma's of all people?" He began clutching his fists at the same time clenching his teeth.

Backing slowly away into the living room as my body began to shake in fear. I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to say the wrong thing.

"Do they know?" I didn't know my father knew them. There are many things he kept secret from me especially after mom passed.

"Akito became suspicious and compared me to a wolf because I carried him home on my back because he collapsed" I explained the days I missed class to help them or when Yuki helped me.

My father snatched me up by my hair cocking his hand back as he slapped me across my face making me fall back into the glass table. It shattered at my impact cutting my right arm in several places.

Tears began to roll down my face at this point as I slowly moved.

Blood trickled down my arm followed by a warm stinging sensation. I slowly moved from the table making the shatter pieces fall from me.

"You will cut all ties with the Sohma family!!!" He glared and yelled. "Never speak to them again"

"Why!? I can't just abandon Akito or Yuki, it's not right" I yelled back then gasped when I realize that I stepped out of line. My father stood over me before reaching down forcing me up by my hair again.

He then pulled a gun from behind his back pressing it right against my forehead.

"If you are not going to be obedient and choose to run to Akito instead of listening to your father" He's drunk, very drunk. I can not believe my father has a gun to my head right now. "Let's see how far you make it out of the door"

"C-Cut t-ties with the Sohma's... I understand father" He lowered the gun after motioning me to clean up all this mess. He already has me enrolling in a new school starting next week.

I collapsed down onto the floor right when he left to his room trying to process all that had happened.

Are the Sohma's that bad?

Is Akito that bad?

Am I losing my friends again?

Once everything was cleaned and my arm treated and bandaged. I laid in my room silently calling out for my mother to come back and save me.

"Mom, why did you leave me here all alone?" I cried myself asleep that night trying not to make any sounds that would wake my father.


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