Part 11

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Nicole was sitting on the couch in her living room with a glass of wine and watching T.V. while Hudson played on the carpet. On the outside she appeared calm and collected and happy with her life, but on the inside, everything was in shambles. Her emotions were on an out of control roller coaster, her heart was in a thousand pieces and resting at the bottom of her stomach somewhere and she was completely lost.

It was Friday evening. Nicole had had a long day at work and she hadn't heard from Chad since he bailed on their counselling appointment a few days earlier, not even a response to her text about their rescheduled appointment. She definitely suspected that her husband was up to no good, but she was exhausted and she decided that she would wait for him to make the move.

"Momma," Hudson called from his place on the living room floor, "Juice? Please?"

"Ok, baby," Nicole replied with a small smile, "Just a little bit. I'll go get it for you."

She got up and absentmindedly walked down the hall to the kitchen. She grabbed her phone off the desk before making her way to the fridge and looked at it quickly. There was a text message from Ryan. Her heart did a little skip in her chest as she opened it.

Hey, done prepping for this trial that starts on Monday. Did you want to get together, maybe hang out for a bit?

Nicole smiled and then texted back - I have Hudson tonight so I have to be at home, but you are more than welcome to come hang out here for a bit if you want.

She set the phone down on the counter and went to the fridge to pull out Hudson's orange juice. She filled his sippy cup with some juice and screwed the lid on tight. Just as she was walking out of the kitchen, her cell phone began to ring.

"Hello," she answered, not looking at the call display.

"Hey, it's Ryan," he said on the other end.

"Oh hey," Nicole replied with a small smile on her face.

"Are you sure that me coming over to your place is a good idea?" he asked, "What if Chad comes home? Or what if someone sees me..."

"Ryan, Chad hasn't been home in three weeks," Nicole responded, appreciating the fact that Ryan was concerned about this, "I don't know why he would all of a sudden show up now. I haven't talked to him, texted him or seen him. I have no idea what is going on. He is so disconnected from this family, that even if he did show up for some reason, he really has no right to complain. You and I are friends, that's all."

"Sounds good," Ryan said in response, "I'll be there in about an hour. Want me to bring over dinner? Pizza?"

"My favorite hasn't changed," Nicole replied with a laugh, "and Hudson loves cheese."

"As you wish. Pepperoni and mushroom and a small cheese pizza coming up," Ryan exclaimed, "I'll see you soon."

Nicole pushed end and put her phone on the counter. She couldn't remember the last time she smiled an honest to goodness smile. She had no idea where she was at with her marriage, but at least she had Ryan back in her life. Despite their relationship in the past, they also managed to have a great friendship and that was exactly what she needed right now.

It had appeared that Chad had made his decision as he laid in Anna's bed and read his book. It was 8:00 Friday night, he was exhausted and he still hadn't felt like he had prepared enough for this upcoming trial. He knew he was going to lose, but he had to prepare none the less. He had to keep up appearances for Nicole's sake because he knew she would go to Trevor's to seek him out. He spent maybe one or two nights a week at Trevor's place, but for the rest of the time he was at Anna's.

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