Part 21

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He stood in the doorway of the sanctuary of the church and watched her as she bustled around trying to get all the finishing touches done before the funeral began. The sanctuary had been beautifully decorated by Nicole, Holly and Beth. Nicole had assigned him and Alex to be two of the pallbearers and he hadn't seen Anna since the day Chad passed away, but he thought it better than to ask.

Nicole looked beautiful in her simple, yet stunning, black dress. Her long, silky brown hair was braided loosely to one side and her make-up was very subtly done. Ryan admired how strong she had been the last few days. She had shut them all out for the first couple days, but after that she reappeared with guns blazing. It was obvious to him and to everyone else that she had other things on her mind, but for the moment she had kept her emotions at bay as she worked hard to make this the best celebration of life that she could.

"Hey Ry," Beth said quietly as she sneaked up beside him, "It's amazing isn't it?"

"What is?" Ryan questioned as he looked down at Nicole's best friend.

"How she can be a disaster one minute and then be totally put together the next," Beth replied with a smile, "I was helping her and Hudson get ready this morning and she was a complete mess. I thought we wouldn't get through the morning, but after a cup of coffee and some breakfast she recovered and now she is a force to be reckoned with."

"Do you think she looks preoccupied, like there is something else on her mind?" Ryan asked Beth, curious about what was going on in Nicole's mind at that moment.

"I know there is," Beth replied, "But I am not about to question her about it right now. It's not the time."

"Where's Anna? Is she coming today?" Ryan asked, changing the subject, "I haven't seen her since Wednesday."

"She's at home," Beth replied, "She isn't coming to the funeral."

Ryan gave her a quick look and in that short moment of eye contact it was like he could read her every thought and they were his thoughts as well. Chad hadn't meant as much to Anna as everyone thought. It had always been about the chase and the catch for her, but once she had gotten what she wanted she was already bored.

"You would think that she would show up for this," Ryan sneered, "She is carrying his child after all."

"Nicole didn't tell you?" Beth asked with a raise of her eyebrow.

"Tell me what?" Ryan asked, "We have all been way too busy and she hasn't talked about much except for the funeral and Chad. She hasn't even brought up Anna."

"Anna miscarried the day after Chad passed away," Beth replied like the news wasn't that big of a deal, "She drove herself to the hospital, had it dealt with and then went back home in the morning when they released her."

Ryan clenched his fists at his sides as the anger raced through his veins. What was that woman's problem? Why would she want to create such havoc and destroy such a beautiful family? It was beyond him. Even though he was in love with Nicole and wanted her for himself, he would never try to destroy her marriage or her family. He just didn't have it in him to ruin something so he would gain from it.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that," Ryan said quietly, only partially meaning it.

Ryan and Beth stood there quietly for a moment, neither one saying anything, when Nicole approached them. She smiled at them sadly and brushed a lose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Well, what do you think?" Nicole asked them quietly, "Is it too much or do you think Chad would like it?"

"He would love it Nic," Beth replied with a smile, "Everything about the church is beautiful. I'm sure he is smiling down at all the preparation you have invested into this."

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