Part 24

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3 Weeks Later

Ryan was hard at work, preparing for the continuation of the Jansen trial. Chad's firm had contacted him at the beginning of that week and told him that a Mr. Steve Thomas now had carriage of the file and that he planned to resume trial in two weeks. Ryan was excited and eager to get back at it, prepared to knock opposing counsel's defence out of the water.

Still, things hadn't been the same for the last few weeks. He missed Nicole and Hudson incredibly and he felt empty without them in his life. He knew that was his own fault, but still. He had gotten so used to being involved in their lives that now that he was no longer involved, he didn't know what to do with himself. He had been a coward. His assistant had told him that Nicole had come to see him that day after their fight and she had also called him twice that day, leaving messages for him each time. He couldn't bring himself to call her back. He had no idea what he would say and he thought that his actions were unforgiveable. He had no idea who that guy was that said those horrible things to Nicole that night, but he was ashamed of that side of him.

"Mr. Wilson," Jan said from the doorway into his office, "There is a Beth here to see you."

"Send her in," Ryan replied, wondering why Beth was here to see him.

Ryan sat down at his desk just as Beth let herself into his office. She gave his office a quick once over and then looked at him for a moment before she sat down in the chair across from him.

"Hey Ryan," Beth said with a smile, "I'm sorry to barge in here like this."

"It's no problem," Ryan replied nicely, "To what do I owe this surprise visit?"

He honestly felt like he was about to be interrogated, because he had absolutely no doubt in his mind that Nicole had filled Beth in on everything that had happened between them. They were best friends, he wasn't expecting Nicole to keep the situation a secret from her.

"I'm going to say this as nicely as possible," Beth said, her eyes burning into his, "You have to stop being a coward."

Beth saying the words that he had been thinking for the last three weeks was like a slap in the face. He knew they were true, but it hurt to have someone say them out loud to his face.

"Nicole misses you Ryan," Beth stated, "Not only that, she needs you."

"Beth, I don't think you realize how horrible I was that night," Ryan stated, looking over at her, "I don't even know what came over me. Everything I said to her was astoundingly inaccurate. I want to be that person for her. I absolutely love playing house and I wish I could be daddy to Hudson and the little one on the way. I am completely head over heels in love with her, but that's not what she needs from me right now. And besides, she said that she doesn't want to see me again."

Ryan watched as Beth's eyes glassed over and her cheeks turned red. A small smile spread across her face after he had told her how he truly felt about Nicole. His heart ached because of how he hurt her, but he wasn't sure if he could take those words back and make her trust him again.

"Ryan, I guess you will never truly understand women," Beth replied with a laugh, "We are complicated creatures."

"You're not kidding," Ryan indicated with a smile, "Please, try to explain your kind to me, because it's driving me crazy."

"She told you she never wanted to see you again," Beth explained, "But that's not what she meant. Nicole actually meant the opposite of what she said to you. Ryan, she was hurt and she was tired and sad and she didn't want to face you or see you in that moment. But every time I've seen her since that night, I can see it in her eyes and it's written all over her face how much she actually misses you. I think you need to man up, swallow your pride and go see her!"

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