Part 18

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Beth hurried down the hall of the bustling hospital looking for Nicole and Anna. It had taken her longer than she thought to cancel all appointments for that day and reschedule them before she closed the office and made her way there. She rounded a corner and saw her sister sitting in a chair alone with her head in her hands and then further up the hall she saw Nicole crying in Ryan's arms on the floor against the wall.

Beth sat down beside Anna and gently ran her hand in circles over Anna's back. She heard Anna sniffle and then she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and sat up, looking at Beth with red eyes.

"I never meant to cause so much pain," Anna whispered to Beth, "I just have this mentality that I want what I want and I have to have it. I feel horrible that Chad is in here and that Nicole is suffering, but I can't manage to get over what I'm feeling and be there for her. I mean, Nicole was amazing, thinking of me this morning and rushing over to pick me up despite her hatred towards me..."

"I know you didn't mean to," Beth replied, pulling her little sister close, "Don't ignore what you are feeling Anna, but just realize that you aren't the only one hurting right now. Granted, you are the current woman in Chad's life and you are expecting his child, but Nicole is probably hurting much more than you are right now."

"And what's going on with her and Ryan?" Anna asked, pointing towards where they were, "It looks like she has her own little thing going on with him behind Chad's back."

"Anna, don't go there," Beth cautioned, "Nicole and Ryan have a loaded history. He ran into her months ago and he has been her rock during this difficult time. They have been struggling with their feelings for each other, but they have managed to keep things in check until Nicole decides what she wants in life. Right now, there is nothing going on except that he is there for her as her friend...that's all. Nothing more."

Anna nodded in response and then leaned into her sister, sighing heavily. Beth rested her chin on the top of her sister's head and held her close. Beth may have been angry with her for what she did to Nicole, but Beth loved her so much and nothing could change that.

"I've missed you big sis," Anna whispered, "I know I don't deserve forgiveness, but I hope that you will forgive me one day. And when the time is right, I will ask Nicole for forgiveness as well. I just don't think that time is now..."

"If I can forgive Chad, I can forgive you," Nicole replied, her voice filled with pain and sorrow.

Both Anna and Beth looked up, not having realized that Nicole and Ryan had slowly made their way over to them. Beth watched as Nicole sat down on the other side of Anna and reached for her hands. Anna looked over at Nicole, her eyes glistening with tears that were threatening to spill over.

"I forgave Chad while I was in his room with him," Nicole said quietly, "It's going to take me awhile to move on from this, but Anna, I forgive you as well. You have always been a part of my life and while it may take a while for me to trust you again, I'm not going to spend my life resenting you. I figure, right now during this horrible situation, we need to stick together...but only if you want to."

The damn broke and the tears fell down Anna's cheeks. Beth could tell that Anna was unable to form a response, but knew that Anna was more than grateful that Nicole had taken such a big step in trying to repair the damage that had been done.

"Anna, I don't have any idea what is going to happen in the next little while," Nicole stated, trying not to let the emotion take over, "But no matter what happens, I will make sure that you and your baby are taken care of. You will not be alone if the worst should happen."

Beth was overwhelmed with happiness that her best friend had taken the high road. They had been best friends for as long as she could remember and Nicole had always had a generous soul and a giving nature, but this took that to a whole different level.

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