Part 17

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"Morning, Ryan Wilson here," Ryan said when he answered the phone.

"Good morning Mr. Wilson," someone said on the other end, "This is Judge Whitmore. I am just calling to advise you that this proceeding has been adjourned until further notice. Mr. Sanders will not be able to join us. I have been advised that there has been a family emergency and that he will be unable to participate indefinitely."

"Thank you Your Honor," Ryan replied uncertainly, "I hope everything is ok and will await notice of a continuation."

After Ryan hung up his phone, he sat down on his couch and stared at the wall in front of him. He wondered if everything was ok but was afraid to pick up the phone and call Nicole to ask her if she knew anything about it.

He sat there and thought back to the night before when he just left her there, standing all alone in the kitchen. He hated how hard it was for him to just be her friend and instead of just sucking it up and waiting patiently for her to come to him, he bailed, just like he promised her he wouldn't. He was an idiot, but he wasn't sure she would forgive him this time. She had been through so much already.

He dialled Nicole's number and waited as it rang and he could feel his heart rate rise when she answered.

"Yeah," she said quietly.

It sounded like she had been crying or was crying, but he couldn't put his finger on which one it was.

"You don't have to forgive me Nic," Ryan started quietly, "But I want you to know I'm sorry. I want you in my life, but for a moment there last night I had a one track mind..."

"Don't worry about it Ryan, I have bigger fish to fry right now," Nicole replied, cutting him off, "I'm assuming that you don't have to go to the trial today as Chad won't be there. So if you want to step up and be the friend you promised me you would be, you can meet me at Vancouver General Hospital."

Her words stung and confused him all at the same time. It was clear that she knew what was up with Chad if she knew that the trial was no longer happening.

"Do you actually want me there?" Ryan asked, regretting it the moment the words were out of his mouth.

"Wha...what the hell kind of question is that?" Nicole spat on the other end, "My husband is in the hospital fighting for his life...of course I want you here, but whether or not you want to be here, that's up to you."

He was about to respond when he heard a click and the phone went dead. What the hell just happened, Ryan wondered, what did Nicole mean by Chad being in the hospital and fighting for his life?

It was 8:30 a.m. when Nicole looked up and saw Ryan walking down the hall of the hospital towards her. She had felt bad, after she hung up the phone earlier for how she had talked to him, but she was stressed to the max and she was beyond angry at Anna and the situation. She felt a little bit of relief as Ryan sat down on the chair beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"What happened Nic?" Ryan asked quietly as he looked at her.

"Chad was upset last night, or at least that's what I'm assuming," Nicole replied, the sleeplessness evident in her voice, "He went to a pub after our counselling appointment, drank himself into oblivion and then thought it would be a good idea to go for a walk. He got hit by a car and he is pretty banged up. They had to do emergency surgery on him to try and stop the internal bleeding and they have to go back in this morning to check on it."

"God, Nic, I'm so sorry," Ryan whispered, "This is the last thing you need."

"I thought it would be a good idea to pick up Anna on the way," Nicole continued with a hint of sarcasm, "So since 4:00 this morning she has been in his room and she hasn't come out. I made the mistake of saying "take your time". I haven't seen him at all yet and on the inside I am screaming and throwing punches. Who does she think she is?"

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