Chapter 3

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"It's mandatory, Trinity!" Rita said as she pushed her off the elevator. "Besides, the whole reason he is making us do this is that he frightened you when he stopped by last week." She looked over her shoulder at Trinity. "And that's another thing, why were you here, working, on New Year's Day?"

Trinity felt sick to her stomach, and she was having a hard time keeping up with Rita's chatter. She had no idea that an off-handed comment to cover-up her fear would lead to Levi orchestrating an entire self-defense class for the staff only one week after the incident.

"I have a lot to do, Rita," Trinity defended. "Who's teaching this class? It can't be easy to find someone to teach a self-defense class in Sweet Springs?" She was doing her best to appear calm.

When Trinity had heard about the class at the beginning of the week, she had decided to be busy and not attend. She had told Rita when she had come to her office to get her, that she was busy, but the woman used the dreaded word, mandatory.

She knew all about self-defense classes. She had taken one many years ago when she had left her husband, Christopher. Her brother, Ben, had insisted that she should know what t do if Christopher ever found her. The lessons had been private, and her instructor had known her history, so they had been able to move at her speed, treating it almost as one would a dance class.

She knew it wouldn't be that way this time. Now she had to stand in front of a class full of women and let someone grab her or pin her and then try to fight her way free. Her stomach rolled at the idea.

Rita led the way into the lobby of the building where the class was being held. "Levi brought in a team from out of town to help."

The room around them was filled with all the women who worked in the company. They had a total of about fifty employees, not including the hotel staff, over half of whom were women. Trinity's mind was on hyper speed as she tried to figure a way out of the situation. The fear was very real for her and to let all these women see it was not an option.

Levi welcomed everyone and told them why they there then turned the class over to the instructor. Levi and Josiah were the only men from the company present.

After the instructors were done talking, and it was time for the hands-on portion it was asked if there were any questions.

Trinity saw her chance, and she took it, raising her hand.

"Yes," the male instructor pointed to her, and everyone turned to look at her.

"I thought this was mandatory?" Trinity turned to look at Levi.

"It is," he confirmed with an amused expression.

"Then where are all the men? If it is mandatory for the entire staff to be here, why are the male employees not here?" It was petty she knew, but if it was a way out, she was going to take it.

Levi's eyes narrowed. "I'll be sure to take it up with the male employees when this is done."

Trinity nodded. "Good, and you can take it up with me then as well, I have things to do." She turned to leave, aware of a few shocked gasps from the crowd.

"How about since you're already here we teach you first, then you can be on your way?" Levi suggested approaching her.

"I've already taken a self-defense course. I know all there is to know." She desperately tried another tactic.

"Fine," Levi moved towards her. "We'll go through the motions and show everyone." He led her over to the mat and moved to stand behind her. She closed her eyes as her mind screamed at her to run.

"Trinity?" he asked.

She took a shaky breath. "It's not necessary, Levi," she insisted.

"We'll start small." He wrapped his arms around her arms and gently squeezed. It felt like a hug, not an attack. Maybe she could do this.

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