Chapter 12

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Trinity knocked on Levi's front door, shifting the bag that held her laptop on her shoulder as she waited. Levi had stopped by her office earlier that day and told her he hadn't forgotten about his promise to help her sort out the books. Then he had suggested she come by his house around six so that they could eat and work at the same time.

It was an odd suggestion. Trinity had worked for him and Josiah for two years, and neither one of them had ever invited her to their house. She took a moment to take in the Craftsman style building with its low hanging roof and wide front porch. It was in pristine condition and looked warm and inviting with the light that was shining from the windows.

Trinity was just about to raise her hand to knock again when the door opened, and Levi invited her to enter with a friendly smile. He took her bag and her coat, and she waited for him to comment on her relaxed appearance. She had changed her normal chignon into a more relaxed ponytail and put on an old pair of blue jeans and a warm sweater. When he only smiled and invited her further into the house, she breathed a silent sigh of relief.

Trinity had thought about why she felt compelled to change her outfit, and she had decided that it was because she would be in his home. It signified a more friendly relationship, which called for letting her guard down a little, and one way she could do that was by relaxing her appearance.

As she followed Levi, she studied the square foyer. It was large and short, with a staircase, that started on the left and turned to the right, as the center focus. She looked to the right and noticed a living room, then she looked to the left and noticed a dining room.

"This is beautiful," Trinity said as she studied all of the wood that had a beautiful golden patina after years of use.

"Thank you, my grandfather built it for my grandmother when he returned from World War II. It was the only way he could convince the city girl to take on the wilds of Wyoming." He led the way into the dining room, setting her bag and coat on a chair against the wall.

"Where was your grandmother from?" Trinity asked as she followed him through the dining room that looked like it belonged in the 1940s. However, as she followed him to the right, she entered a kitchen that was a chef's dream. There was nothing historical about it.

Pots were steaming on the stove, and she could hear the distance strains of classical music in the background. It was a domestic scene and not one she would have ever associated with Levi.

"She was from the D.C. area. They met while he was stationed there. I hope you're alright with spaghetti for dinner. It was quick and easy."

Trinity nodded. "Sure, as long as we're not eating while we are working. I'm a notoriously, messy eater." She paused as soon as she said it, wondering why she had. She was a messy eater, it was well known by those closest to her that she was always dropping food on herself, but why did she feel the need to tell Levi that?

"We can eat first," Levi said as he reached into a cupboard and pulled out two plates, handing one to her.

She took it and waited for him to lead the way, following what he did and helping herself to the meal. They didn't sit at the dining room table, which relieved Trinity. Instead, Levi led that way to the breakfast bar, sitting down his plate.

"What would you like to drink?" he asked as he opened the refrigerator.

"Water is fine," she said as she set her plate down next to his and took a seat on one of the high stools.

Trinity watched as he filled a cup with water. He was dressed in the same manner she was, a sweater and blue jeans, but he wasn't wearing shoes, only thick wool socks, and it made her smile.

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