Chapter 13

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It took Trinity a few minutes to realize that no one was meeting her eyes as she made her way to her office. She knew she wasn't the company's darling, but she at least got a few hellos every morning either from the receptionist or someone passing, but this morning, nothing. It was as if she didn't exist.

Perhaps someone had seen her car at Levi's house. It was unlikely since his house is on private property in the middle of nowhere, but what else could it be. She sat her coffee down next to her computer and fired it up, waiting for it to boot as she removed her jacket and scarf.

Trinity looked outside the window at the cold and shivered as she picked up her coffee and took a sip. Her thoughts immediately went to Levi and the fact that he had kissed her the night before. She had never had a kiss like it. The fact that he wanted her was still hard for her to wrap her mind around. Christopher had pretended that he wanted her until he got her. Then he had done everything in his power to let her know how much he didn't want her.

Deep down, Trinity knew it was Christopher and not her, but after eight years of abuse that she had started to believe was hard to erase. Her thoughts went back to Levi, and she wondered if she should have stayed, although he had seemed to want her to go. Did he regret it? What would she say to him when she saw him again.

Work, that what she would talk about, she would keep it work-related. Trinity moved towards her desk and sat down in front of her computer, opening up the finance program. When she entered her login, she got an error message. Frowning, she tried again only to get the same message.

Why was she locked out? She reached for the phone and called the IT department. Roger answered the phone, and when she identified herself, she was met with silence.

"Roger, I asked you why I can't log in this morning?"

"A direct order from Mr. Shaw. He said he wanted all of your usernames and passwords deleted." Robert's voice was full of disgust, and she was at a loss as to why. She thought about asking him why but thought better of it. To do that would show weakness, and he wasn't her problem.

Angry, Trinity hung up the phone without saying goodbye then pushed back from her desk, heading for the door, and running into Rita and Josiah as she entered the hallway. She held up her hand to stop them before either one of them could say anything.

She was livid. If Levi had a problem with her, he should have taken it up with her in private and not humiliated her by going behind her back. She didn't get angry often, but when she did, all rational thought fled.

Marching down the hallway to Levi's office, she threw open the door to his inner sanctum and breezed by Shana.

"He's with someone, Ms. Emerson," Shana drawled with condescension.

Trinity turned to her and shot her a look full of such anger that the woman took a step back and didn't say another word.

She missed Josiah and Rita shooting each other concerned looks as she threw open the door to Levi's office. He was standing by the window with his back to the room, and Dorthy was talking a mile a minute, but he didn't appear to be listening. At the sound of Trinity's entrance, he turned around, looking at her, Rita, and Josiah.

It appeared as if he had been about to smile, but it quickly turned into a frown as he took in Trinity's agitated state. Then he looked to Rita and Josiah for answers, but they both shook their heads, clueless.

"If you wanted me gone, the least you could have done was told me to my face." Trinity spat.

Rita quickly closed the door behind her so that Shana couldn't hear.

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