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Somewhere before 19.00 – part 2
We've found a quiet spot close to the sprinklers. During the day it's used as a break area for the corporations surrounding it. A field of grass in the middle of the city. At night it must be deserted.

She's laying in the grass. Eyes closed. The sun taking in the few droplets of water that remain on her face. Her dress is drying faster than my jeans shorts. I envy the fabric touching her skin most of all. Without her realizing it I've been taking her in with hungry eyes. Her chest is moving slowly up and down. A rhythm that sooths me like nothing else.

I take my phone out of my backpack. It's the first time I've checked it since I got the idea of heading out this morning. There are five messages from Will, mom and dad. I can't be bothered to read them right now. The only reason I'm taking out my phone at all is to capture this moment. I sneakily hold the phone up and snap a quick picture of her. I'm fully aware of the stalker level I'm reaching with this but to let this memory slip should be a crime on itself.

'Are you doing what I think you're doing?' her eyes flash open. A narrow eyed gaze is flung my way as she sits up. 'Let me see.' She holds out a hand.

'You heard that?' I frown. On top of everything else, does this woman have supersonic hearing? She narrows her eyes even more, the left corner of her mouth upward and I hand over my phone.

'Alright. That's just a little creepy,' Her voice soft again. She moves a little closer to me and holds out the phone in front of us. 'Smile.' She grins. A little confused I smile.

She hands me back my phone and I take a moment to look at our own faces smiling back at me. She is pressed against my shoulder. Her face inches away from mine. Eyes lit up with that familiar sparkle and the sweetest, delicate smile gracing her lips. I'm yet again in awe of her.

'Any chance of you telling me now where we've met before?'

'Hmm,' she looks up at the sky. A finger tapping her chin. 'Maybe later.' She grins.

'Oh come on!' I throw my hands up in defeat. 'Is it a painful memory?' I ask a little scared of the answer. She shakes her head in response. 'Was I drunk?' another shake of her head.

'I just like seeing you squirm.'

'Power hungry are we?'


'Alright. Tell me something else then. Tell me about you.'

'What do you want to know?'

'I want to know everything. Tell me about your favorite color. Your favorite meal. What do you do for fun? What is the first thing you think about in the morning and the last thing on your mind before you go to sleep? What kind of music do you like? How do you drink your coffee? Do you even like coffee?'

'Slow down there, Maxi.' She laughs. 'We've got time.'

'We do?' I take a quick peek at my phone. It's a little after six and I'm very aware of the fact that this day won't last forever.

'Right... coffee. I like it too sweet for my own good. Lots of sugar, no milk. My favorite color is yellow. I do lots of things for fun but most things I like to do are done in solitude. I like hiking in the early morning and reading past midnight but most of all I like art in all forms. Music wise, I'm not good with names but I obsessively listen to the Stones. Did I get them all?'

'You forgot your favorite meal.'

'Of course. Well that one is easy and very predictable. I like pizza. A lot.'

'And you left out what your thoughts are. Mornings and evenings.' I add. She rolls her eyes.

'It varies.'

'Depending on?'

'My mood. The weather. Life in general. You're turn.'

'Coffee, black. My favorite color used to be green but I'm changing it to yellow for no particular reason,' she chuckles. 'I'm not a morning person so my mornings tend to be for groaning and moping. My evenings are spend sketching because I do like art but not the crappy kind we saw this morning. I don't have a favorite musician or band and my favorite meal is probably Chinese take-out from the one across Smooths.'

'How are you not a morning person! It's so peaceful out and...'

'You can try but you're not converting me to your morning hiking club.'

'But somehow I did manage to change your favorite color? I'll accept this challenge.'

'Who says I switched colors for you?'

'No you're right. I'm assuming too much. When exactly did this newfound love affair start?'

'Could have been this morning. The yellow sun was looking so beautiful.'

'Yes, the sun is prettiest in the morning.' Her grin widens.

'O shut up.' I give her a gentle shove and she falls backwards in the grass. She tugs at me shirt and I let myself fall back as well. Rolling to my side so I can look at her.

'I like spending the day with you, Max.' her voice is thin.

'I like spending the day with you too, Calli.' I breath back. I wish it wouldn't end.


Badaboom! Thanks for reading, again. I'm putting all other works on hold so I can focus completely on this story. Which isn't very hard because I'm living in this tale right now. I'm having so much fun with it and I really hope you're feeling the love while reading! Xx

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