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"Why am I like this, Kate?" I cry to my sister through the video chat, annoyed and angry at myself for spending the past two days basically hiding from Calum.

"I mean, I don't want to be basic and say the reason you push people away is because we have daddy issues, but like, we have daddy issues."

I give her an annoyed stare and she only smirks back at me.

"I'm just saying Sage, it's not that far-fetched. Dad just up and abandoning us like he did? It doesn't exactly forebode the most trusting relationships with men. I mean I don't know much about the guy but it sounds like you thought he was attractive and you had fun with him. You're on tour for crying out loud, have some fun!"

I just roll my eyes and she continues. "Safe fun! I love you to death but please don't come home pregnant. I don't know if we could manage two right now."

"He's my fucking boss, Kate."

"That doesn't seem to be an issue for him!" She shoots back with a chuckle and I give a defeated sigh.

"Speaking of babies, where's my girl?" I ask.

"She's down for a nap right now. I think she's coming down with a little cold. She probably caught something at daycare. I don't know."

"Aw, well okay. Give my girl tons of love from Aunt Sagey. I miss you both." I say softly.

"We miss you too."

"I guess I better go, I love you Kate!"

"Love you too, Sage."

I end the call and toss my phone on the mattress beside me in the hotel room we have for the next two nights. We have three days off, which is practically unheard of. We'd gotten in to the hotel last night and I had collapsed into my bed, unwilling to move until now.

The crews group chat is blowing up, everyone seeming to have had the same idea of sleeping in as late as possible as me. It's four PM and there have been plans made for a dinner at eight and a a club afterwards. I shoot back a quick text telling the group that I'm in and roll off of the mattress, landing on my feet and headed for the shower. I haven't had a real one in days and I'm sure it will be appreciated by those who come in contact with me tonight.

I try to keep my thoughts focused on the tasks at hand, wash my hair, shave my legs, relieve all the aches in my muscles that are sore from my first week of this job. I'm only partially successful as my thoughts continue to drift to my morning in Boston, and a boy with a beautiful smile and hair currently the color of the sea.

I try to bring my mind back to my getting ready process as I begin the undertaking of blow drying my hair. I'm quite particular about my hair, I guess it's a side affect of having patchy hair that fell out in droves for years. When I'm satisfied with it I start in on my makeup.

Kate always says I don't need makeup and that I wear too much of it but I've always found the process so soothing. It was also one thing I could do to occupy my time back when I spent most of my days within the confines of hospital rooms.

The time on my phone alerts me that it's already seven thirty and time for me to meet the crew downstairs. I swipe my lip gloss one last time and slide into my boots before rushing out the door, sliding my room card into my phone wallet.

I'm surprised when I arrive down to the lobby to find that I'm not last to arrive, several members of the crew trickling down after me, before we finally are all accounted for and head out for the restaurant.

The crew has picked a nicer brewery and we're told for our party of ten we'll have to wait a few minutes.

It's stuffy in the cramped waiting area so I step back outside into the late summer air and Mark follows behind me.

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