Now taking prompts/requests!

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Hey there!

First of all, a huge thank you to all of you who have read, commented and voted for my story. It's really encouraging, and brightens up my day. ^-^

So anyway, I've suddenly been hit with this sudden nostalgia; like the feeling that I'm not done with these characters, do you get what I mean? Maybe it's just me not wanting to let them go. I told myself I would write one or two one-shots or drabbles to get it out of my system, but then I realised that I don't know what to write. Odd, right?

That's where you come in! If you want to see something, involving any of the characters found in RPS, feel free to drop me a prompt/request down in the comments section below. It can be as vague as you want, or detailed in terms of what POV (1st, 2nd, 3rd?) etc. It's up to you! 

I think that's all for now, and I'll love you forever if you really do give me a prompt. Don't be shy! <3

- Chloe 

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