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· G A B R I E L

I felt like shit, most of these people were dressed like shit, and honestly? The room sort of smelled a lot like shit. Now I'm not pointing fingers, but I was willing to bet it was the table closest to where I'd been forced to stand as one of Victor's entourage. It didn't really matter who I technically was today, just that I stand in this spot and not move.

Really, my only real job was to be there for Vic, keep his head in the game and be a symbolic reminder that the fucker wasn't alone in all this. Sure he was the only one on stage, but we had his back. I couldn't see Silas but I knew he was somewhere. I didn't even have to think about it to remember his technical role today: bodyguard.

Fitting, really. Silas was a large mass of a person. I wouldn't want to go up against him on my best day. I'd mock fought with him in training and to say he kicked my ass every time was putting it mildly. He was a beast. Not that I'd call him that to his face, I'd hurt his fucking feelings, believe it or not.

I rolled my eyes at the imaginary scene I was picturing and sighed. Which was a bad idea as I inhaled the putrid scent once more. I glanced at the table. There was an older man with his back to me, facing the stage. He sat next to a younger Mom who had a baby in a highchair next to her.

There were other people at the table, but really, the only ones that mattered were the old man and the baby. I wouldn't have suspected the old guy, but I just had a feeling...

A crackling sounded in my ear, making me flinch involuntarily. I wanted to bitch about it but I knew Victor would hear through his own ear piece, and as he was the one who'd probably set up communications, I didn't want to be another thing he had to put up with today.

"Alright, I'm up next. I should only be playing for two hours, and then an hour intermission, and then a forty-five minute set, and then we could probably leave."

Victor sounded tired already, and anxious to be done. I frowned, knowing this would end up being a long day. After we all confirmed that Victor's father hadn't shown up to this, Victor turned off his mic and headed to the stage. It was one of the conditions Victor had given for doing this particular concert: that his father not attend.

Silas and I both turned our mics off as well. If we needed to communicate it would be intentional from now on.

I decided an hour into the first of Victor's sets that I did not want to stand here afterall. Screw Kota and his planning that did not involve the sense of smell. I could watch my assigned entrances from a different spot. I was trying to figure out exactly which spot that would be when Silas appeared at my elbow.

"Why are you not in your spot?"

I resisted the urge to jump, having grown accustomed to his silent moving despite his large body. I tried not to sound too defensive when I spoke.

"Leg fell asleep, you?"

He shrugged, "had to pee. Have you heard any news on the bird who was at Nathan's home?"

I scratched the back of my neck and glanced over to Victor on the stage. He had told us that she'd fallen into the pool, had signs of what looked like abuse. But I wasn't sure. There was so much going on already with the school and the side missions. I'd been too busy to be in the loop.

"No, besides, I lost my phone in the fight the other day, remember? Haven't been able to catch my breath long enough to go get a new one."

"Could have Victor order one."

His solution was simple, and I didn't answer, shrugging instead. Silas took a deep breath, unable to smell the pungent odor I'd escaped. He rose his shoulders with the intake of air and stretched his arms far above his head. I kept my eyes on Victor as Silas cracked his back loud enough for a woman at the nearest table to give us a dirty look.

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