Chapter 8

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*this chapter contains a suicide attempt, please do not read if you're easily triggered by this topic*

That day after school I asked Belch to take me directly home. I didn't want to hang out, I didn't wanna be around anyone, all I wanted was to sleep, normally, just like everyone else. I laid around the house for a couple of hours watching the TV here and there, doing all I could to keep myself from falling asleep.

Around  8:00 pm the overwhelming tiredness became too much for me and I drag myself up the stairs and laid down in my bed.

'If I only sleep for a few hours' I thought 'I'll be fine. I won't have any nightmares'. Almost as soon as my head hit the pillow my eyes fell shut.

It was dark for a while almost as if I wasn't going to dream that night, but when I found myself in a completely black room, I knew I was wrong.

It seemed almost as if I was standing inside of a void. I walked for what seemed like hours, seeing nothing but dark inky blackness on all sides. It was quiet, but every step I took echoed loudly, bouncing off the walls around me.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, I saw something in the distance.

A women

I couldn't make out any distinct features as she was standing with her back towards me, but she was there.

Cautiously and made my way closer to where she  stood. She turned around slowly, almost mechanically, her neck twitching in different directions as I got a good look at her face.

A sharp intake of cold breath hit my lungs as I realize who it was. I hadn't seen her in years but she looked just how I remembered her. Long copper brown hair, hazel eyes that were just a little to big for her face, just like mine. It made her look so innocent, so sweet. But that wasn't her.

She was thinner then I remembered, her frame looked strange in the oversized dress that hung off of her boney shoulders.

"Darling poppy, I haven't seen you in ages" she said a smile spreading across her face. Her teeth were straight and white but there was something off, her smile seemed to only go surface deep. I didn't move. I didn't say anything, hoping that she would just disappear, but she just stood here smiling for what seemed like a life time. Her smile seemed to slowly morph into a grimace. "Aren't you going to say hello?" she questioned. It was then that I realized she was holding her arms behind her back. This seemed all to familiar.

I began to back up slowly, the closeness between the two of us making me uneasy. She stuck her leg out like a marinate puppet, taking a large step forward. This is when I knew I needed to go. I turned, sprinting as fast as I could away from her. It was dark and I couldn't see where I was going, but I knew I couldn't stop. If I slowed down, she would get me. Just like last time.

"Come back darling, I just want to look at you" her voice sounded different, almost like a growl. I screamed letting sobs escape from my trembling lips. And then it happened, just as I remembered. I tripped and fell, just like before.

I felt her fingers dig into the skin of my shoulder before she flipped me over clamped her free hand down around my throat, suffocating me. A kitchen knife in her other hand and a smile on her face. "You'll float too, Poppy" and then I heard it, the sound of the knife slicing through skin.

I sat up, screaming as loud as my lungs would allow me too. I was covered in sweat as I peeled the sheets off of myself and scrambled out of my bed. I sprinted to my door gripping the frame to stabilize my dizzy steps.

I couldn't take it anymore.

The images that I saw every time I closed my eyes were just to much to bare. I rushed to my bathroom slamming the door behind me. I felt like I was going to explode.

My fist met the glass of the mirror with a loud thud. Pieces of the mirror fell to the floor and some stayed imbedded in my knuckles as blood trickled down my hand and arm.

I wanted to die

I wanted to die so I'll never have to sleep again, never have to see her ever again.

I dropped to my knees and yanked open medical supplies cabinet and grabbing the first bottle of pills I could find.

I yanked the cap off frantically not caring what it  was or what it would do to me. I shoved in as many as I could fit in my mouth and stood up, shoving my head under the faucet and swallowing them. I dropped to the floor once more and cradled my knees to my chest. I couldn't get the dream out of my head. I didn't want to see her face, not now, not ever again.

In this moment I wished that she had killed me, that I was already dead so I didn't have to experience this. I sat there crying, trying to catch my breath. After a while everything started to feel dull and strange and my body went limp against the tile floor. Faintly downstairs I heard the sound of the front door being pushed open followed by heavy footsteps.

If I hadn't been dead before, I sure as hell was now.

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