Chapter 1

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Exactly two weeks later
The Buckingham palace

"Your majesty," Emma demurred as she curtseyed before her monarch.

"Rise," the Queen said with a smile. "I'm glad you came, Lady Gordon."

"How could I not?" Emma said with a tilt of her head. Victoria nodded approvingly. And truly, how could she not? Now that her husband was dead, her fate depended entirely on Victoria's whim. The queen knew of Emma's less than unblemished roots and if revealed to the ton, she couldn't lead the life of respectful and rich widow. She wouldn't be able to find her sister, the thought of which had driven her these past years.

In short, if Victoria asked her to lift her skirts and dance a jig in the middle of the Parliament, Emma would be hard pressed to do it.

"What can I do for you, your majesty?"

"Something that belonged to me has been stolen, Lady Gordon. Something that is very dear to me. And I wish for you to retrieve it." The queen's voice was steady, but Emma could sense the urgency in it.

"What was it?"

"It is an anklet."

"An anklet?" Those were very rare here and Emma had not expected Victoria to be so very attached to one.

"Yes. It's no ordinary anklet, you see..."

She didn't see but Emma held her tongue, allowing Victoria to speak.

"It is hollow within and has a document inside."

Emma could feel her eyes widen. Now this certainly made things interesting.

"What document, your majesty?"

The Queen began to laugh. "What makes you think I would share such confidential information with you, my dear?" she chuckled.

"How else would I know if I got the right anklet?"

"You will know," Victoria smiled again.

"But who took it? And how am I supposed to go about retrieving it? Was it a common thief or somebody from the ton?"

"A common thief couldn't infiltrate my palace. As for your other questions, I shall ensure that you receive answers to them all."

Just then a guard walked in. "He has come?" Victoria asked.

"Yes, your majesty," the man bowed and left.

"One of your question shall be answered shortly," the Queen said, looking at Emma.

And then the most unexpected and awful thing happened.

Lord Garrett Beresford, Marquess Waterford, walked into the Queen's receiving chamber.

His eyes immediately landed on Emma and she felt herself stiffen. She could tell from his face that he was just as surprised to see her as she was him.

"I am very pleased that you could make it, Garrettt," Victoria grinned. The Marquess merely brushed his lips across her knuckles. Emma's eyes widened.

This pretentious man was on knuckle-kissing terms with the Queen of England?

"Lady Gordon, such a pleasure to see you again," he said, turning to her.

Emma smiled tightly, trying to keep the shock from showing on her face.

"My dear," Victoria began, facing her, "you wished to know how to go about this task, isn't it? Lord Beresford here will guide you."

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