Chapter 5

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"I trust you enjoyed the ball, your grace," Gloria asked while unbuttoning Emma's gown.

"Yes, it was good," Emma replied. In truth, she wanted to elaborate more. She wanted to say that she'd never thought that a ball could be like this. That dressing up, being accompanied by a handsome, funny gentleman and dancing with him had been the most fun she'd had in years.

Lord Beresford—no, Garrett, she'd come to realise wasn't terrible at all. He was everything she might've expected from a gentleman. While he was good looking and charming, he was also warm.

And somehow, being in his company had made that warmth seep into her as had made the ever-present chill she felt dissipate. It made her forget why she was here, what she'd dedicated her life to.

This couldn't continue.

She felt the dreamy smile on her face fall.

The worst part was, she wanted to share this with Gloria. Or anyone, really. Somebody who would care, listen, somebody who wouldn't abandon her.

She was tired of this never ending loneliness.

Emma rarely ever entertained such maudlin thoughts. She was stronger than this. She'd chosen this path willingly. She'd married Henry knowing what her life would be like...cold, incomplete.

It wasn't Henry's fault, he was the kindest of men. She thought about that afternoon when she'd first met him...


"Where is my sister, you scoundrel?!" Emma yelled. She'd been yelling for the last two hours but to no avail. Her lungs burned and her throat ached, but she couldn't stop yelling. Not until that despicable Lord Graves told her where her sister was. The butler had refused her request to meet with the Earl and Emma had no choice but to scream until the man gave her an audience.

And then finally the door opened, revealing a balding man with a broad middle. He stepped outside and his eyes immediately landed on her. Green eyes filled with hatred and annoyance.

"Who are you?"

"I am Emma Thornton, the Vicar Thomas's younger daughter."

"What do you want, girl?" he asked.

"I want my sister," she spat, not bothering to curtsey.

"I do not have your sister. I suggest you look somewhere else," he grunted and made to turn and reenter his home.

"But Lord Arthur took her a week ago. He said he was going to marry her. They haven't returned yet...I know she's in there!"

The man looked at her again, his eyes narrowing at the mention of his son.

"I do not know where he took her, but I'm certain she's not here."

He didn't seem surprised at all that his son had eloped with her sister. Emma was about yell some more but another old gent stepped out, confusion plain on his face.

"What is happening, Matthew?" he asked the Earl.

Lord Graves disappeared into his home then, taking his friend with him, leaving Emma extremely confused and furious. Meanwhile a servant appeared, carrying a tumbler of water.

When she offered it to Emma, she refused.

"Miss, you've been screaming all day. The kind Lord asked me to bring you water. Please drink," the girl said. Emma sighed. She did need water.

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