Chapter 8

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Arthur Graves swirled the finger of scotch Lady Moss had just poured him in her tumbler. He took an experimental sip. He supposed it wasn't that bad, he'd had worse stuff. He gulped it down and eyed the owner of the scotch-Lady Catherine Moss. There were few women who were as fine as her, he thought, anticipation for what was to come coursing through his veins.

"How is it, Arthur?" she purred, leaning closer to him-not that he minded.

"Excellent," he lied with ease, his hands creeping to her neck to sneak in a caress. "I confess I was a bit surprised when you expressed interest in conducting a liaison with me, My Lady."

"I do not see why. You are very desirable," she murmured, lowering her lashes. Arthurs jaw hardened. He knew for a fact that he wasnt desirable, hadnt been in the last seven years. Whatever Lady Moss saw on his face made her fearful, he could see that.

"You mustn't take it as a slight, My Lord.  We ladies find such scars extremely attractive," she said hastily. Arthur decided to let it pass. The fact that he could scare her was enough for him. For now.

"Why did you seek me out specifically?" he asked more firmly. This he had to know.

"Well, if you must know, ever since my previous tryst ended abruptly, I have been seeking something different."

"Different how?" he whispered silkily.

"I had heard about you some time ago. I know you like to do things a certain way," she responded shakily. Arthur nodded at her, liking where this was going. And although the Lady seemed to hesitate, he decided that once he showed her the wonders of his world, they could enjoy each other.

"Who was your previous lover?" he asked only out of curiosity. Only a fool would give up Lady Moss.

"Lord Beresford," she replied readily. "He denied it but I am certain he left me for that Duchess," she sputtered angrily.

"Which Duchess?"

"Lord Gordons widow."

Arthur stilled. "Lord Gordon is dead?"

"He has been for more than a month," she replied, sounding amused that he didn't know.

"You must excuse me, My Lady. I have something to do," he said, standing up. Her face fell. "I will visit you again soon, he said meaningfully." She smiled then. Arthur placed a kiss upon the inner side of her wrist before leaving.


"Must you go?" Nicholas asked, trying to swallow the emotion he felt.

"Nicholas, youre being extremely silly," Gloria grinned. "It's only for a few days. We must pray that this trip ends in the Marquess and Her Graces union."

He nodded. "Promise me you will take care of yourself."

"I promise."

Nicholas sighed in defeat for there was nothing else to do. The woman he was falling in love with was going away from him.

And then the woman leaned up and kissed him. On the lips. He blinked, he couldnt believe it. He looked at Glorias flushed face. She was looking down, a smile playing about her alluring mouth.

"Gloria—" he began, but the minx ran away. Nicholas leaned against the wall and let out a little laugh. He was certain about two things-1)this woman was going to be the end of him and 2)the next time he got her alone, he wasnt going to let her go with a mere peck on the lips.


Garrett eyed Emma who was fidgeting with her gloves, her eyes wary as she looked out of the carriages window. It surprised him how he'd misjudged her in the beginning. He still saw her as a headstrong and courageous woman. But there was more to her than met the eye. He had a lot of questions, he wanted to know why she'd married the old Duke. If it was any other woman of the ton, he would've predicted that she'd done so for money or power. Such unions were very common amongst his peers. And still, looking at her just now, he knew that neither of those things had driven her. He wanted to know why she'd agreed to serve as a Crowns agent.

He reached across and placed his hand on hers, she looked at him questioningly.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm wondering why I let you and the Queen of England talk me into participating in this mess," she replied. Garrett chuckled.

"I fail to see why you're so nervous. I have heard odes written about your cool poise and elegance—Im sure you'll be able to sweep my mother off her feet."

"That is the last thing I want to do, she groaned. I never thought I'd have to deceive someone."

Garrett gave her a sceptical look.

"I knew I'd have to lie, of course but I always thought it would be to the bad guys, not sweet and innocent people," she ground out.

"You think my mother is sweet and innocent? Oh, thats rich!" Garrett laughed. Emma was in for a surprise, he thought happily.

"She certainly sounded that way in her letter," Emma laughed and swatted at him. Garrett caught her hand, out of instinct more than anything else. He did not have an explanation as to why he didn't let it go though.

Their laughter came to a halt and they just looked at each other. Emma did not try to extricate her hand and Garrett was quite pleased with where it was, half-way in the air enclosed by his palm. He thought that they looked extremely ridiculous but he did not care just then. Her eyes were wide with confusion. He couldn't blame her, he was confused as well.

As if by instinct, Garrett knew that if he kissed her just then, she wouldn't push him away. And he wanted to kiss her, quite desperately. It was all he'd been able to think about ever since he'd seen her smile without inhibition. But that would lead to consequences...consequences he wasn't sure he knew how to deal with. While he was certain he was attracted to the woman, he doubted it would last. And he doubted Victoria would appreciate him dallying with one of her agents.

And so, he let go of her hand. Emma bit her lip and said nothing as she moved her hand back to her lap.

Garrett noticed that they were nearing his estate. He felt his lips pull up in a smile at the thought of seeing his family. He was alone in the carriage with Emma, her maid seated outside with the coachman. He wondered what his mother would think of that.

Emma tried to remain unaffected when Garrett practically carried her out of the carriage, but it was hard. She suspected that the entire Beresford clan standing in their drive-way to greet them had witnessed her blush.

It wasn't so bad, she supposed. It would help if they thought she was smitten.

But you are smitten, her conscience whispered snidely. Emma could do little else but to ignore her.

Garretts mother came forward first, wearing a huge smile and features almost identical to those of Garrett. She was a little plump and extremely lovely despite her age. Her blue eyes twinkled when she smiled just like Garrett's. Emma decided that she liked this woman.

"I am so happy you came, Lady Gordon," Lady Beresford gushed, holding her hand.

"Please call me Emma," she replied with a warm smile. Lady Beresford nodded kindly and proceeded to introduce the rest of her children. Both of Garretts younger sisters-Sophia and Charlotte were present, they were a few years younger to her, his elder sister, Janet was married and lived in Kent with her husband. Garretts younger brother—Thomas was closer to her age and he barely resembled his brother. His hair was dark where Garrett's was lighter, his eyes brown where Garrett's were blue.

"Where did you manage to find this exceedingly beautiful woman, brother?" he grinned as he bent over Emmas hand. Emma wanted to roll her eyes but she refrained. He seemed like a nice-enough fellow, she supposed.

All in all, she liked Garretts family quite well. But she didn't see this as a good thing.

This was going to be harder than she'd thought.

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